Same Sex Marriage In Canada Essay

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Canadians today are granted the right to marry whomever they desire, regardless of sexuality. Equality has truly been achieved as gay and lesbian couples are now recognized as Canadian citizens, benefiting from the freedom to express their love for one another and from the same constitutional rights as heterosexual couples. However, this was not always the case. In order for same-sex couples to be represented the way they are in modern day society, Canada had to experience social change. Specifically, legal same-sex marriage was achieved through a change in law enforcement, but this process had a substantial impact on Canadian society.

Same-sex marriage was officially legalised by in Canada on July 10, 2005 by the
Supreme Court, meaning …show more content…

Many supported their queer fellow Canadians, while others completely opposed of gay and lesbian couples. It all depended on how one was raised and what environment surrounded them, as a person could be open minded and willing to accept others despite their sexual orientation, or conservative and view same-sex marriage as wrong, essentially sinful if they are religious. Fortunately, as time progresses, the number of same-sex marriage supporters and supporters/members of the LGBT community continue to grow. Many are starting to become educated on sexuality, becoming open to inclusive marriage, and acceptance is breeding rapidly in every aspect of society. The right to same-sex marriage symbolizes the acknowledgement of gay/lesbian couples, and simultaneously generates diversity through visibility of the LGBT community. It demonstrates that homosexuality is valid, and that being homosexual should not deem them a target of discrimination. Increased acceptance means increased chances of people “coming out”, which increases visibility and continued acceptance as people will no longer oppose homosexuality if that person is someone they know and care about. Acceptance also stems from the various forms of social media, as many campaigns targeted towards accepting the LGBT community, such as “No H8”, are endorsed by celebrities. Since celebrities

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