Gay Marriage Thesis

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Thesis: Gay marriage is a very sensitivity subject that strikes a cord with many people which causes the three levels of government to step in a provide guidance; the President standing publicly in support of gay marriages, the United States Congress has passed several laws concerning gay marriages and the Supreme Court has ruled making it unconstitutional to ban same-sex marriage.
President Obama has been commended for his support of gay rights including gay marriage by gay rights advocates. The president has stated his public support for the rights for gay couples to get married during several interviews like the one USA News. President Obama claims that after discussing the issue with his family, he took a stand in support of gay marriage …show more content…

The case went all the way to the United States Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court decided in a vote of 5-4 that same sex couples have the same fundamental right to marry as opposite-sex couples do, and that it is unconstitutional to not to give them that right. All Americans have the right to get married, and now thanks to the efforts of the three branches of government in America, Americans have the right to marry anyone they choose of any gender: in the Executive branch, President Obama changed his views in support of gay marriage; in the Legislative branch, Congress and the United States legislature are changing laws in regard to marriage as public opinion changes in favor of same-sex marriage; in the Judicial branch, the United States Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage bans in all states to be unconstitutional. Whether Americans agree with the choice or lifestyle of gay and lesbian Americans has nothing to do with the issue. It is an issue of fairness, and that is what the three branches of the American government have made their stand on. The Constitution of the United States guarantees that all American citizens will be treated equally in the law, and that is what the three branches of the American government have set out to do. In Brown v. the Board of Education it was found to be unfair to treat someone unequally because of skin color; in Roe v. Wade it was found to be

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