Sam Melingerer Mentor

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Why do people really need to have a mentor? People lose family members every day and it can be very heartbreaking. I think having a mentor will help you in life and help you get through anything. In the article, “We lost Mom this week, but not before she showed me how to live”, Sam Mellinger, the author, his mother guided him to become a better person and taught him so many things. This essay portrays a clear picture that the necessity of a mentor is the development of a person’s character. If Sam’s mother didn’t develop Sam with good character, Sam would go through a lot of things; when his mom died. Therefore, Sam’s mother, a mentor, who helped him guide to a better path throughout his whole life. For instance, “This all because of her, my mother, who helped me guide me away from mistakes and disappointments in life and is still with me to help through the sadness of her death.” This quote states that Sam’s mother had to help him become a better person and his mom helped him through his sadness and struggles throughout his whole life. If something happened to one of Sam’s family members friend, his mentor, his mother, helped him get through it and become a stronger person. …show more content…

To emphasize, “My mom taught me how to listen. She taught me how to care about other people, even strangers. She taught me how to be interested in things and there a few things better than a good meal with people you love. She didn’t do any of this by telling me. She did by living, modeling, showing me it looks like.” This quotes illustrates that becoming a better person will help Sam throughout his whole life. Sam’s mother was always there, by his side helping him every day. Sometimes your dad might not be there for you but he has mother who did everything for him. She did such a fantastic job for becoming a great mentor and Sam was so proud of his Mom helping him throughout his

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