Roofing Company

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Among the larger expenses of household maintenance, homeowners face replacing the roof and attempting to locate a trustworthy competent roofing company. Asking friends, neighbors, and coworkers are a good place to start for referrals or horror stories. However, they lack the qualifications to answer the legal questions involved. The following serves as a checklist of answers to obtain when scouting reliable roofing company.

Experience and Referrals

Select at least three companies in Vancouver, Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland to contact and then ask them all the same questions, starting with their history, then technical facts about their employees.

- How many years in business
- how long at the same address
- do their roofing professionals have any specialized training

Size of Work Crew and Pricing

Ask about free estimates and the size of the …show more content…

The insurance must cover the employees if injured on the job, instead of filing a claim against your homeowner's policy.


Manufactured products carry a factory warranty, but we recommend you ask about warranties on the work done by the local company. Under usual circumstances, roofs and roofing carry a 10 to 25-year warranty.

Quality of Materials and Certification

Along with material choices, find out about the different types of roofing material, and any factory certification requirements exist before the company can sell their products. Also, ask about installation requirements and what types of adhesives the job requires.

- Asphalt Shingle Roofing. We replace end-of-service-life asphalt shingle roofs with newly updated "fiberglass laminate" shingles that carry a long warranty.
- Cedar Roof Conversions. Over the years, the quality of cedar diminished and we replace them with asphalt or polymer composite

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