Romeo And Juliet Impulsive Essay

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Impulsivity is when people act mentally, physically, or verbally without properly thinking. Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, puts perspective on Romeo and Juliet, who were born into two opposing families, Montague and Capulet. They are star-crossed lovers and stick together to the best of their abilities. Romeo is a key character when put through hesitating situations that leave several consequences in his life. This is like modern-day adolescents, where impulsive decisions leave them in undesirable conditions. Some of these impulsive actions can lead to depression, suicide, or drug abuse. In short, impulsivity is commonly shown in adolescents, leading to detrimental decision-making, in modern-day teens and in Romeo and Juliet, …show more content…

For instance, Juliet wanted Romeo to pick between her and his family. Romeo, being a Montague, showed his power among all the other families in Verona. The play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, exclaims, “Let me have a dram of poison, such speeding gear as will disperse itself through all veins, that the life-weary taker may fall dead” (Shakespeare Act 5, Scene 1, l 63-66). As Romeo discovers that Juliet has died, nothing other than death runs through his mind. Romeo went to a pharmacist who sold poison, which was illegal in Mantua. Romeo was depressed because of his love’s death, which led him to want to die himself. The database OpenAthen states, “When he buys poison which he commits suicide he says, “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee to-night” (V.i.34), thinking of dying together as an ecstasy of love” (Holland). Romeo believed that his life was nothing without Juliet in it. This later causes Romeo to drink the potion, leaving himself to die beside Juliet. In short, Romeo’s impulsivity led to his tragic downfall. Impulsivity impacts modern-day teens by increasing impulsive decisions. Impulsivity is commonly linked to multiple different consequences, including suicide and drug

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