Essay Impulsive In Romeo And Juliet

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In our modern society, teenagers and other people usually act out of impulsiveness. They make decisions about things without thinking about it first. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, examples of this are very apparent. The main protagonists, Romeo and Juliet, fell in love with each other. They were eventually married and were separated due to a separate situation. Romeo doesn’t think through the problem and kills himself, causing Juliet to do the same to him. These impulsive decisions can lead to terrible and possibly fatal outcomes later on in the future. In the play Romeo and Juliet, this is one of the major themes shown throughout the play, with many different examples. Impulsivity is a large issue throughout the play, Romeo and …show more content…

He draws a knife to kill himself because he cannot be with Juliet, before thinking about any possible solution in any way (III, iii, 84-108). This example shows how being impulsive can have dire consequences because Romeo was willing to end his life over Juliet, which would have caused Juliet to do the same. Not thinking about his actions first could have had a fatal ripple effect on the others associated with him. Another example of this theme in the play is when Romeo visits Juliet in the Capulet Monument, after hearing that she died. He enters and sees Juliet’s dead body, even though she is not dead, and drinks a vial of poison to kill himself. Juliet wakes up from her death-like sleep and sees him dead next to her, leading her to stab herself over him (V, iii, 84-171). This example also shows how impulsivity can lead to horrible outcomes when Romeo kills himself because he thinks that Juliet is dead. Juliet then wakes up and sees him dead, killing herself. These examples give comparisons to how teenagers and other people act impulsively today. Teenagers today have a problem thinking about their decisions and the

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