Control In Romeo And Juliet

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One of the most common character tropes is the moody, teenage sibling who’s always in trouble and fighting with the parents. Teenagers are often stereotyped as reckless and emotional. They take too many chances and act like everything is the end of the world. Young adults are constantly experimenting and taking risks, but what is the force behind their actions? During adolescence, the areas in the brain controlling reward processing and control begin to change. According to neuroscientist Laurence Steinburg, the shift creates an imbalance between emotion and restraint (Sukel, 46). The play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, focuses on the teenager, Romeo, during a dramatic period of his life. He faces many difficult situations involving love …show more content…

When Romeo announces he’s going back to see juliet, Balthasar begs him not to go. He beseeches him to “have patience” because “[his] looks are pale and wild and do import/some misadventure” (5.1.27-29). Romeo looks “pale and wild”, because of his anguish. Balthasar understands this isn’t a good sign, and he begs him to wait before he acts. He doesn’t want Romeo to go on a “misadventure” and hurt himself. Balthasar’s observations show that he is aware of Romeo’s nature. If Romeo waits, he can think everything through and make the safest decision. However, Romeo is devastated, and will act on the first instinct that enters his mind. The Prince decides to banish Romeo for killing Tybalt. He announces that Romeo should “hence in haste,/Else, when he is found, that hour is his last” (3.1.204-205). If Romeo is seen in Verona, “that hour is his last”. This establishes that a potential consequence of Romeo returning is death. Romeo disregards the potential of execution when he decides to see Juliet. Since he is so despondent, he doesn’t care about the threat of death. It doesn’t mean anything to him since he already wants to die. Romeo’s disregard for death and bodily harm eventually comes back around to hurt him, leading to his

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