Examples Of Impulsive Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet's reckless love for each other spirals down a line of impulsive decisions. In Shakespeare's play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, there are fast decisions based on their emotions. In the setting of Verona, these lovers act fast, making uncareful decisions, leading to a chain of bad events throughout the play. During the play, Shakespeare creates a lesson teaching the audience to think before acting. Impulsivity is portrayed when Shakespeare rushes the characters into decisions based on their emotions, leading to irreversible consequences. Shakespeare's characters Romeo and Juliet's impulsive decisions create lies and danger from their stemming emotions. As Shakespeare stated in his play, Romeo and Juliet “There stays a husband to make you a wife now Comes The Wanton blood up in your cheeks they'll be in Scarlet straight at any news hie you …show more content…

This quote by William Shakespeare illustrates impulsivity since they've known each other for a few days and are plotting a wedding. Romeo and Juliet are going against their parents, creating a boundary between them, drawing the nurse closer to Juliet and Friar Lawrence closer to Romeo. Matthew Dallas claimed in his article Love and War Among the Roses Love and War Among the Roses “The impulsive allure of the blooms and the unforgiving consequence of the thorns make a rose garden a fitting setting for Shakespeare's enduring tale of youthful desire and reckless abandon” (Dallas.) Shakespeare created a storyline of young kids falling in love and making bad decisions. He also has two characters who will support the kids in whatever they want and parents who will not help them. This creates a boundary and rift between the kids and the parents. Romeo is in love with Juliet and makes a move on her to start their journey. Romeo and Juliet meet at a family feast and when they meet it is love at first sight and the thorns are their parents and they and the

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