Examples Of Rash Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

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In the beginning of the play Romeo and Juliet make many rash decisions that change the course of the play. Such as, when Romeo decides to sneak into the Capulet’s garden to have a conversation with Juliet. If Romeo was spotted by any of the guards or a resident of the Capulet household, he would have been captured and killed. When Juliet asks how Romeo snuck into the garden he replies to her, “With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls, For stony limits cannot hold love out…” (2.2.66-67). Romeo states that he snuck in with love’s wings and that nothing can stand in the way of love. Romeo shows that his love for Juliet can lead him to make rash decisions and not to think his actions through. An example of Juliet making a rash decision …show more content…

An example of Romeo’s rash decision is when he gets revenge and kills Tybalt. Romeo is in full anger and really is not thinking about what he is doing. He ends up defeating Tybalt, but his punishment is that he is banished from Verona and is forced to live in Mantua. Romeo now has to leave Juliet behind and live on his own. After Romeo kills Tybalt he says out loud, “O, I am fortune’s fool!” (3.1.130). Romeo realizes that he has made a huge mistake and that now he is going to have to pay the consequences. He flees the scene and later realizes that he is banished. It shows how Romeo’s unthoughtfulness has caused him trouble. Juliet also, makes a rash decision in begging the Friar to help her be with Romeo or she’ll kill herself. She doesn’t think about how she could think of a different plan instead of threatening to kill herself. Juliet tells the Friar that he must help her or else. Juliet tells the Friar, “ Tell me not, friar, that thou hearest of this, Unless thou tell me how I may prevent it/I long to die.” (4.1.51-67). This reveals that Juliet is “dying” if she doesn’t have Romeo with her. All Juliet needed to do was calm down and think of a plan by herself. Of course, the biggest rash decision was the decision to kill themselves. If Friar John would have went by himself and brought Romeo the message, they would have lived together in Mantua. Instead Balthasar

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