Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Research Paper

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by only one thing. Rocky Mountain Spotted fever is caused by a tick bite from a tick that carries the Rickettsia Rickettsii. This organism can be fatal to humans if it is not taken care of quickly. In most cases of RMSF the tick was attached for 6 to10 hours and the person may never find the tick on them. RMSF cannot be spread from person to person (2). RMSF can take 2 to 14 days for any of the symptom to show up. (5). There are many ways to prevent RMSF. If you want to try to avoid getting RMSF you should wear long pants and long sleeve shirts, use insect repellent when you are going to be outside, do your best to tick proof your yard by clearing brush and leave because that is where ticks live …show more content…

Some of the minor symptoms for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can include fever, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, muscle pain, rash, chills, and confusion. Some of the more severe symptoms may include hallucinations, dehydration due to vomiting, and maybe even death. (3). Other symptoms of RMSF may include Necrosis or loss of tissue due to the lack of blood flow or oxygenated blood, hemorrhaging. The rash often initially appears on the skin of the wrists and ankles and spreads to involve the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, the forearms, the trunk, the buttocks, and the neck and facial areas. …show more content…

The treatment course the physician might prescribe to you will depend on whether you are pregnant or not. If you are pregnant the physician may prescribe a medication that is called chloramphenicol. If you are not pregnant the physician will most likely prescribe you Doxycycline which is the most effective treatment. If Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever goes untreated disease could lead to many health problems. Some of those health problems may include brain damage, clotting problems, heart failure, kidney failure, lung failure, meningitis, pneumonitis, and shock

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