TO DIAGNOSE DISEASE (Lyme borreliosis or Lyme disease)
Lyme borreliosis or Lyme disease (LD) is the most common tick –borne illness caused by a group of bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi, that are transmitted to humans following a bite from an infected ticks of the lxodes ricinus species complex (Steere et al, 2004) Tick bites often go unnoticed and can remain feeding on one for many days before going off. In United States all of the Lyme disease are caused by B. burgdorferisensu lato. In Europe and parts of Asia, B. garinii and B. afzelii are common than B. burgdorferi.The principal tick vector in the northeast and north central of the United States is Ixodes scapularis, and in the costal northwest Ixodes pacficus is the principal host reservoir. (Steere et al, 2004). This infection is the most common tick-borne disease in North America and Europe. (NHS, 2013) and parts of Asia (Strle et al 2006).19, 931 cases of Lyme Disease reported in 2006, to the Centres for Disease and Control and Prevention in the United State (CDC) producing an incident rate of about 6.7 per 100,000. However Lyme disease has been reported across many of the continental United States, almost 95% of the cases are from Mil-Atlantic, North central Region and 10 States of the Northeast, where the average incidence is 31.6 per 100,000.
According to Public Health England estimates, there are 2,000 to 3,000 cases of Lyme disease in England and Wales every year, and that close to 15%-20% of cases happen while people out of the country. The Lake District, Exmoor, the New Forest in Hampshire, parts of Wiltshire and Berkshire, Thetford Forest in Norfolk, the Yorkshire Moors, and the Scottish Highlands are areas of the United Kingdom with a high p...
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...f the cure course can be clarified by the tremendously high sensitivity of PCR, that can spot only a few DNA copies; and the postulation that spirochetes that were Protected in sequestered sites was accessible to the drugs only after treatment, thus discharging DNA at that time.An important factor is that PCR frequently becomes responsive only after a few days of cure.
In conclusion, molecular techniques show promise for the detection of Lyme disease and are the greatest appreciated techniques of detecting Lyme disease. For people with Lyme disease involving systems other than skin, PCR sensitivity is generally not high, with the rejection of people with LB. Besides is not regularly used in some countries. Therefore, an exciting alternative could be techniques for the determination of lipid peroxidation products that is improved during LB and other infections.
Staphylococcus aureus could be eliminated because not only did the unknown bacteria grow, but it also didn’t change color to yellow. Lastly, a Catalase test was done by taking a colony from the Blood Agar plate.... ... middle of paper ... ...
Because B. pertussis is a gram-negative bacteria, it possesses the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). However, its LPS is different from that of the other gram-negative bacteria, in that it is heterogeneous with an alternative form of the Lipid A, called Lipid X. Although not fully understood at the time, it seems that Lipid X has a greater capacity for virulence.
in the sample in to many identical samples. The DNA retrieved from the reaction can then be
Lipid peroxidation refers to the oxidative degradation of lipids. It is the process in which free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage. This process proceeds by a free radical chain reaction mechanism. It most often affects polyunsaturated fatty acids, because they contain multiple double bonds in between which lie methylene bridges (-CH2-) that possess especially reactive hydrogens. As with any radical reaction, the reaction consists of three major steps: initiation, propagation, and termination.
...oms that come along with it. There is a possibility that the disease will be transmitted to the offspring of the infected person. Having a splenectmomy conducted will not cure the disease it will only make it go into remission.
The biting midge (Culicoides imicola), which is responsible for this disease’s transmission, is usually contained within Mediterranean Europe; where the conditions have been exactly what the midge demands to survive (Society for General Microbiology NP). However, with an increase in average temperature of six degrees, the midge has been allowed to travel northward threatening the cattle throughout the area and even as far as England (Society for General Microbiology NP). The spread of the midge’s territory has led to an increased number of their population, along with the amount of infected cattle.
...mple. This test confirms the presence of infection and suggests which antibiotics may be used to treat infection effectively.
This disease may be on the brink of being eradicated entirely but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the grossest things that anyone has ever seen. The parasite enters the body via unsafe drinking water. When people drink water infected with water fleas that have have been hosting the larvae of the parasite. There are no symptoms, to begin with, but about one year later, blisters on the feet or legs begin to develop and then the adult fully developed worm crawls out of the host body over a period of a few weeks. It’s said that the pain is intense and can incapacitate a person for weeks at a time. The pain can also continue for months after the infection. The parasite needs to infect a person at least once a year in order to continue. There were an estimated 3.5 million cases in 1986 but the disease has been greatly reduced over time and only 22 cases were reported in 2015. This disease will probably be the first parasitic disease to be completely eradicated in humans.
Lyme disease is one of the seven most common diseases reported in the United States to the CDC annually ( The rates have gone from 10,000 cases in 1992 to over 30,000 cases in 2009. 95% of these cases were found in the northeast and Midwest regions of the United States (Committee on Lyme Disease, 2011) . More cases happen in this area of the country due to the close proximity of deer to population. The bite itself isn’t the problem, rather the pathogen being spread in mammals from the bite. Lyme disease occurs when a tick penetrates the skin of mammals and the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi enters. Borrelia burgdorferi is carried by ticks named the Ixodes dammini, which is the main vector for Lyme disease. These may also be known as I. scapularis, and may be found on deer (Schilling-McCann, 2010). ¬¬¬In addition to Lyme Disease, ticks may also carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or Tularemia (Smeltzer et al, 2010).
A disease is transmitted in one way or the other. Lyme disease is transmitted through a vector. The vector of the disease is an infected deer tick. The deer tick has to bite a person to spread the disease. When a deer tick bites a person (sucks blood), the Borrelia burgdoferi bacteria is transmitted into the persons body.
Discoveries about the plaque are still happening today. The latest discovery in 2011, states that the pathogen held accountable for the plaque was Yersinia pestis bacterium. Yersinia pestis is a anaerobic bacterium and a infectious disease affecting human beings as well as other creatures. The bacteria affects the rodent first, then a flea bites the affected rodent, when the flea is infected it jumps onto a person, and bites them. When the person is bitten they become infected (The Black Death).
Imagine being sick for months and months. Each day you discover new symptoms, and the ones you already had are continually getting worse. You go to the doctors because it has reached a point where you have Googled all your symptoms, Web MD says you are dying, The doctor says that your labs came back normal and therefore “it's all in your head”. The eventual diagnosis was Lyme Disease which is a vector-borne illness, that is transmitted by an insect bite, spider bite, and in some cases sexually transmitted. The effects of the disease on a Lyme patient’s body differentiates from person to person due to the fact that Lyme is not the only infection you acquire when you develop Lyme Disease. Lyme bacteria
Next month I’ll be visiting some great friends on the East Coast. A vacation I’m thoroughly looking forward too and have earned. As my friends and I excitedly plan our excursions, like sightseeing, hiking and swimming in grand lakes I suddenly remember and blurt out; don’t forget to bring bug repellent spray, specifically for ticks—ticks and Lyme disease beware! My friends giggle at my “worry wart” ways, but they take heed to my concern. They know that as a Neurofeedback and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy specialist, I’ve treated many people living with the disease, including my sister and cousin, who are completely cured of the disease today. When my patients came to me for help their symptoms were quite daunting to their every day life style and health. Among a list of other symptoms, they experienced an overactive nervous system, which caused them a great deal of stress leading to agitation, obsessive compulsive thoughts and stress related fear. Lyme disease is something to take very seriously and is more common than most people think.
Lyme disease is the most common systematic, bacterial, tick-borne disease with symptoms that include severe headache, rash, arthritis, fever,joint aches, and cardiac abnormalities. The journal article, “Lyme Disease In Outdoor Workers: Risk Factors, Preventive Measures, And Tick Removal Methods” has written by Brian S. Schwartz and Michael D. Goldstein. The article depicts a statewide cross-sectional case study of risk factors of seropositivity...
Further testing proved that it cured illnesses such as pneumonia, scarlet fever, and others that were gram-positive. However, gram-negative bacteria that were tested that caused illnesses like typhoid fever, were not affected by the antibiotic. He continued research, but was somewhat unsuccessful in reproducing the mold quantity quickly.