Lyme Disease Essay

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Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is one of the seven most common diseases reported in the United States to the CDC annually ( The rates have gone from 10,000 cases in 1992 to over 30,000 cases in 2009. 95% of these cases were found in the northeast and Midwest regions of the United States (Committee on Lyme Disease, 2011) . More cases happen in this area of the country due to the close proximity of deer to population. The bite itself isn’t the problem, rather the pathogen being spread in mammals from the bite. Lyme disease occurs when a tick penetrates the skin of mammals and the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi enters. Borrelia burgdorferi is carried by ticks named the Ixodes dammini, which is the main vector for Lyme disease. These may also be known as I. scapularis, and may be found on deer (Schilling-McCann, 2010). ¬¬¬In addition to Lyme Disease, ticks may also carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or Tularemia (Smeltzer et al, 2010).
Ticks can be found in many places outdoors during the summer months. As a preventative measure, we should always be aware of ticks, but during the warmer months extra precautions should be taken. Wooded and high grass areas should be avoided. Light colored clothing, long sleeve shirts, and pants should be worn when entering these areas. If on a trail, the center of the trail is where travelling should occur. Ticks like to travel to host by means of “questing”. Although a common misconception about ticks is that they jump. Instead, ticks stretch out over high grass areas, using their back legs to hold on to grass and extending front legs to grab whatever host may pass. This makes the center of the trail harder to reach (
Protection from ticks is also important for househ...

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...per steps are utilized when outdoors. Always be aware of your surroundings for you and your pets. Summer months are the most dangerous and easiest times to come in contact with a tick and later result in Lyme Disease, but it can be caught at anytime. Remember that signs won’t become apparent for at least one month. Be cautious when outdoors by using repellants and reapplying when and if needed and visually inspecting yourself, animals, and surroundings. Make sure you aren’t unknowingly carrying the tick inside your home. When inspecting your clothes, always use heat to kill any remaining ticks even if undetected, check body thoroughly, and shower after being outdoors. Pay attention to early warning signs that can easily be brushed off as flu. Early detection is key in curing and treating this preventable disease, and preventing further damage to neurological system.

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