Measles is a highly contagious disease. It is caused by an RNA virus that changes constantly. Measles symptoms usually include a bad cough, sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, sensitivity to light, and a very high fever. Red patches with white grain like centers appear along the gum line in the mouth two to four days after the first symptoms show. These patches are called Koplik spots because Henry Koplick first noticed them in 1896. The Spots are important to diagnose measles. A characteristic red rash in measles is red spots starting at the hairline and going down to the face, body, and limbs.
Measles usually ends with a complete recovery, but some rare complications can occur with the lungs and brain. Measles might also be linked with multiple sclerosis and diabetes.
In 1978, the U.S. Public Health Service started vaccinating for measles. All school age children were vaccinated. Two years later the measles virus occurring went down 99 percent. Now days, measles is very rare and all children are vaccinated for it.Measles
Measles is a highly contagious disease. It is caused by an RNA virus that changes constantly. Measles symptoms usually include a bad cough, sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, sensitivity to light, and a very high fever. Red patches with white grain like centers appear along the gum line in the mouth two to four days after the first symptoms show. These patches are called Koplik spots because Henry Koplick first noticed them in 1896. The Spots are important to diagnose measles. A characteristic red rash in measles is red spots starting at the hairline and going down to the face, body, and limbs.
...may have the same symptoms. The symptoms are red bumps that may bleed if the sores are picked over.
Shingles, herpes zoster, is a very contagious and painful rash, or blister that appears on the skin. These rashes most commonly appear on the sides of the body in stripes. The stripes are made up of many very painful blisters caused by a certain type of virus. The varicella zoster, most commonly known as the chicken pox virus attacks the nerve roots in that area. The herpes zoster virus is in the herpes family, including HSV, herpes simple virus, which causes cold sores, fever blisters, and genital herpes. (WebMD, 2011) Most people are required to get the chicken pox shot when they are children although some do not. The chicken pox shot helps to keep out the virus by keeping it dormant in the nerves. The varicella zoster virus stays in a few cells; this is how shingles appear suddenly. It appears when the dormant cells become active in the later years of life.
and European Government by implying that the public are at a healthier standpoint by taking the vaccine while in actuality individuals may be at more harm by taking the vaccine versus having the virus. Firstly, Merck admits that the MMRII vaccine can cause serious life threaten conditions such as Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels), Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), Diabetes, Thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count), Chronic arthritis, Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), and Panniculitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous fat layer). Several of these conditions are brought on by the live viruses in MMRII alone. Additionally, vaccines eliminate all possibility of a person developing lifelong immunity to infectious diseases like measles because they circumvent innate immunity, the body’s first line of defense against disease, exposing the adaptive immune system to viral components that it would never otherwise encounter. This causes permanent damage to the immune system and helps explain why many people today are stricken with autoimmune disorders that prior to vaccines were virtually nonexistent. Where in fact, natural exposure to measles is generally mild and imparts permanent immunity which is a nature’s
The Latin name for measles is rubeola. The pathogen which causes the disease is a paramyxovirus, which is one of a group of RNA (ribonucleic acid) viruses. Measles is a respiratory disease caused by a virus, and also comes out in a rash. The virus enters the body via the respiratory system, and grows in the cells at the back of the throat and in the cells that line the lungs, from there it then enters the blood stream and circulates the body.
The effectiveness of vaccinations continues to be proven (Malone and Hinaman n.d.). For example, after development of the measles vaccine and the implementation of the vaccination program, the number of reported measles cases declined from 57,345 in 1977 to 2587 in 1984( CDC 2010 ). However, even though vaccinations have been proven safe and effective; there are still risks as well as the implication that not every person who is vaccinated will obtain immunity. That being said, serious damage from vaccination is a rare occurrence (Malone and Hinaman). A Glanz study (2013) from the Vaccin...
What are these red patches of skin on my body that I can’t ever help from scratching? It is eczema, which is defined as a medical condition in which patches of skin become inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding. Genetics take a role in the possibility of having eczema, after comes the diagnosis, then being prescribed the treatment needed, and lastly their prognosis.
Mumps is a paramyxovirus that is closely related to the parainfluenza virus. Its symptoms were first described in the 5th century BC, and it was a very common childhood affliction until the last several decades. It was identified as a virus in 1934, and an effective vaccine was developed in 1967. Mumps is acquired by aerosol, necessitating close human interaction for spread. Human beings are the only known reservoir for mumps virus, and there is only one serotype.
Many studies and research projects have been carried out to find relevance between MMR and Autism. Patients with autism were found to have been harboring an increased number of antibodies to measles when a study was conducted on several patients of Autism. This study was published in medical journal researchers and it was...
Although the Columbian Exchange allowed for the beneficial exchange of cultures, ideas, foods, and animals around the world during the 1450-1750 time period, it also had a dark side. One detrimental result of the Columbian Exchange would be the spreading of smallpox from Europe to the New World.
The most noticeable symptom of scarlet fever is a rough, red rash that feels like fine sandpaper. The rash begins on the chest and abdomen and then spreads over the rest of the body within 24 hours. The rash and redness are more apparent in skin folds, especially in the groin, armpits, and elbow creases. It usually fades in about a week, and at that time the skin may begin to peel.
Measles is an acute viral illness caused by measles virus. It is highly contagious disease and can cause serious complications such as encephalitis, pneumonia and death. Its symptoms starts with cough, runny nose, sore throat and red eyes. It is followed by rash all over the body. Most of the measles cases in the United States were imported from the other countries. As it remains a common disease in Asia, Africa, the pacific and areas in Europe. I want to discuss the Measles outbreak in Alabama in 2002.
Vaccinations are not as dangerous as people make them seem, but not getting vaccinated is. Frances Childs states that “as the number of children who have not been immunized increases, so, too, does the likelihood of measles spreading”. Immunizations work by injecting a small amount of the virus into the patient (both children and adults). The patient’s immune system then builds up antibodies to fight against the virus, thus building immunity against the disease much more effectively. Vaccinations have a 90-100 percent chance of success.
Healthcare providers should maintain a high awareness of measles and suspect measles in persons who have a febrile rash and clinically compatible symptoms (e.g., cough, coryza (symptoms of a cold), or conjunctivitis) and those who have recently traveled abroad or have had contact with travelers. Identification and awareness, as well as proper reporting to the local health department are key preventative strategies for the advanced practice nurse, and should be utilized in the care of all patients. Education, and available resources are the key to prevention of the measles virus, and should be the central focus of care for the advanced practice nurse caring for at-risk populations. References: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
We are always hearing on the news and in newspapers about children catching diseases and often dying from them. Why is this happening when all of these diseases are easily preventable by simply being immunised, why aren’t parents getting their children Immunised, is it for religious beliefs or just carelessness. What ever their reason may be is it really good enough, because why would anyone rather let their child be able to catch and spread a deadly disease then have them Immunised, so Immunisation should be made compulsory for all children.
Measles is a very dangerous virus that is contracted very easily. Measles is caused by a virus from the paramyxovirus family, it is passes through various ways of direct contact, and through the air as well. The virus first infects the respiratory tract and then spread throughout the entire body within days. The symptoms are similar to the common cold or flu, only measles is a far more extreme virus than the flu. You first get a high fever which starts to occur less than 2 weeks after being exposed to the virus, the high fever will last between 4 and 5 days. Along with a fever you will experience a runny nose, coughing, red and watery eyes and small white splotches inside the cheeks. After a few days, the symptoms will begin to get more severe