Measles Case Study

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Measles Measles is one of the most contagious diseases ever known and is a notable cause of death and disability among young children worldwide. In 1912, measles became a nationally notifiable disease in the United States, requiring U.S. healthcare providers and laboratories to report all diagnosed cases. In the first decade of reporting, an average of 6,000 measles-related deaths were reported each year (CDC, 2017a). One of the major roles of the advanced practice nurse is educating their patients and family on signs and symptoms, risk factors, and preventative measures to inhibit the spread of the measles virus. Epidemiological studies are important for healthcare professionals to review for the most up-to-date information on the virus The study investigated in total, 54,111 measles cases and 367 measles deaths reported in 2009 through the aggregated surveillance system A case was either a measles case reported to the MOH case-based surveillance database or an illness meeting the WHO measles clinical case definition of fever, generalized rash, and >=1 of the following: cough, conjunctivitis, or coryza. Case-patients were included if aged 1-30 years at study enrollment and rash onset was during January 1-July 30, 2009. Case-patients were randomly selected from the MOH case-based surveillance database. Trained data collectors from the study districts administered a questionnaire to case-patients and controls, or their caregivers, in the local language. The questionnaire collected information on clinical symptoms, demographic characteristics, education, employment, and travel and migration history. The results of the study were beneficial in identifying two major things. Measles vaccination status varied between geographic areas, and showed a disproportion with the given age groups. The age group of people age15-30 were much more likely to be unvaccinated, and populations with limited transportation, and access technology to receive appropriate teaching. Among eligible subjects who provided It is essential that the advanced practice nurse provide accurate information and thoroughly answer patients’ questions about vaccines and their safety. A strong knowledge base, and proper educational techniques are essential for the role of the advanced practice nurse. According to the CDC (2017a), healthcare providers play a vital role in maintaining elimination of measles in the United States. Healthcare providers should maintain a high awareness of measles and suspect measles in persons who have a febrile rash and clinically compatible symptoms (e.g., cough, coryza (symptoms of a cold), or conjunctivitis) and those who recently have traveled abroad or have had contact with travelers. Identification and awareness, as well as proper reporting to the local health department are key preventative strategies for the advanced practice nurse, and should be utilize in the care of all patients. Education, and available resources are the key to prevention of the measles virus, and should be the central focus of care for the advanced practice nurse caring for any at-risk

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