Rhetorical Analysis Of Nabisco's Oreo Commerical

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Persuasion is found all around us there is always someone trying to persuade you into doing something. For the Nabisco’s Oreo Commerical they are trying to persuade you to buy their cookies. To get their viewers to buy their product they use rhetorical principles. Within the Oreo commercial they use a question which do you like better, the cookie or the cream. The 2013 Super Bowl Oreo Commerical is effective for all ages of viewers.
The commercial starts off with two gentlemen sitting at a table in a library. When one man says “I have always preferred the cream part of the Oreo” they began to fight about which part of the Oreo is better, the cookie or the cream. Next thing you know the whole library is having what Nabisco calls a “Whisper Fight” on what is better. Things are thrown and broken throughout the commercial till something catches on fire and the fire department shows up to put out the fire. The library attendant then tells the people that she will call the cops. When the police get to the library he whispers through his mega phone that this needs to stop. The commercial ends asking you to go to their Instagram page and cast your vote. …show more content…

Some studies say that the use of repeating a statement causes you to perceive it as being more truthful. So as Nabisco was trying to gain Ethos, the credibility of a company, they repeated the key parts of their product. By doing this the consumers remembers the statement and they are more likely to remember it and believe that companies products are the best. Using the words “Cookie” and “Cream” repetitively kept Oreos in the mind of the viewer. The commercial causes its viewers to think which they like better, the cookie or the

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