Review Of Estelle B. Freedman's Redefining Rape

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INTRODUCTION Estelle B. Freedman’s book Redefining Rape: Sexual Violence in the Era of Suffrage and Segregation, explains the emotional and political struggles woman faced during the founding of the United States of America. While woman worked towards independence from the societal formalities of being oppressed by the stigma of men’s control through means of sexual dominance. Freedman’s work takes an in-depth look at the history of the word “rape” throughout the significant portions of American history. Freedman then explains how the word “rape” has changed in definition during history and how the meaning of the word has altered the political and social ideologic views of the entire country. SUMMARY Freedman clearly identifies the true …show more content…

With the exclusion of foreigners, woman and African Americans from court rooms and their right to vote, this allowed for the immunities of white privileged men to have their way with state and federal laws. Freedman (2013). Allowing white men to seduce, harass and discredit all woman of any type of religion, and race. This stigma of women crying rape still exists today but things have seemingly moved closer to the objective of equal women's rights. White males still hold power in many different factions but the woman carries a large deal of responsibility in preventing the act from happening. Today woman embody more power than in the 1800’s and is still pushing their agenda of rape. Rightfully so because the goal of removing men’s freedom to assert their power over a woman has not gone away but has diminished. Men still feel they have the right to demise and degrade woman into thinking the sexual act was their fault and sexual harassment is still a controversial subject in America …show more content…

Much work is vital to women in the field of understanding why rape is happening and why white males feel as if they have the right to forcibly inflict this trauma onto another person. Freedman’s journey through the social and political history is a building block to solving the rape phenomena. All humanity needs to take a step back and ponder the ideas Freedman discusses in her book and thoughtfully work with each other to stop rape from happening. Stripping anyone of the physical and mental safety of one’s body is truly horrendous and should be stopped at all ends of human

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