Rejection In Frankenstein Essay

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In general , isolation means separation from others or the people around you emotionally or physically or both. Whereas , Rejection is the action of spurning a person’s affections. Both Rejection and isolation are linked with each other. Rejection of a person’s affections or proposal creates sulkiness which leads to the state of isolation of that person. Throughout the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, theme of rejection and isolation is carried on. In the novel ,the three main characters – the scientist : Victor Frankenstein , the ugly creation of the scientist :The Monster , and The Captain Robert Walton. Isolation is something Victor Frankenstein experiences his entire life from childhood to family, scientific work and society Victor …show more content…

He noticed “that these people possessed a method of communicating their experience and feelings to one another by articulate sounds .” While observing the family he found their language very interesting and called it “a godlike science” which he wanted to learn from them. Once again he get rejected by the family just because of the children who got scared by his appearance. Only the blind father of the family is ready to hear his story because he cannot see and judge him by his looks but can only hear him. The most persuasive power of monster is his power of speech. The family of the blind man exemplifies the creature’s first school of human nature. Anomaly is what society doesn’t …show more content…

In the novel , captain Walton has been given a well united personality in comparison to the scientist Victor and his creation. Like Victor he picked seclusion for himself however on the contrary he desires for a companionship. His character has been depicted as a equilibrium between the scientist Victor who himself chooses to be secluded from the society , and on the other side, Victor’s ugly creation Monster who was forced to be secluded by his creator and he longs for the companionship. Unlike the scientist , Walton is able to foresee the consequences of his desire for knowledge . Forecasting the uncertain journey ahead he cancels his expedition . As he got literate in similar way to Victor , Walton’s childhood too went in seclusion. Which highlights one more similarity between Walton and the scientist Victor that is the lust of knowledge as he quotes “ there is a love for the marvelous , a belief in the marvelous , intertwined in all my projects , which hurries me out of the common pathways of men , even to the wild sea and unvisited regions I am about to explore”. Walton’s yearning to go on a voyage to “unexplored regions” can also be seen as his experience of isolation far away from civilization. The only exception which deviate Walton from Victor and his creation is that he was in touch with his sister through

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