Isolation Theme In Frankenstein

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Marry Shelly’s Frankenstein is one of the earliest known works of science fiction; it depicts a man who creates a monster. The Creature’s ungodly creation leads to the destruction of an entire village and his own creator as well. One of Shelly’s central themes in Frankenstein is the concept of the effects of isolation on a person; the concept of the effects of isolation is spread out throughout the book. The effects of isolation from ambition, the effects of isolation from family and the effects of isolation from society all play factors in building the book completely. The effects of isolation is an underlining theme, due to what it leads to in each aspect. The first effects of isolation to be examined will be isolation from ambition.
Victor …show more content…

He deliberately sets himself apart from his family because he displays that the top priority in his life is making the Creature. When the Creature is first created, Victor rejects it; the Creature is then forced to head towards the forest for refuge. The Creature’s first experience of human interaction is rejection. This instantly plays a factor in the mind frame of what humans are capable of for the Creature. The Creature is forced to experience only isolation because it does not fit in; the Creature is an ungodly being made purposely by the egotism of a human being (Victor). It has no purpose or destiny because it is not made from a higher power other than human. The Creature then heads to the woods for shelter, it is here where the creature learns basic necessities of living. He then ventures into the cottage family. The cottage family scene is clearly the main focus in understanding the entire novel. The monster continuously interprets a family …show more content…

All forms of isolation string the main concept of the book together; the main concept of the book is to analyze the quality of life. Quality of life is the main concept of the book because Victor, the Creature, the cottage family etc. are all searching for a better life. Victor wants to become a god like scientist, the Creature is in search of his identity, and the cottage family is in search of fleeing exile. The Creature is the main point in search for a better quality in life because it has no identity to begin with. The Creature is in a continuous struggle with attempting to humanize himself. This is displayed when he finds the leather satchel. He finds three books. These books influence the Creature tremendously; these books bring the creature emotions of feeling and sentiment. These feelings are both main qualities on what separate us humans from other species. However, these feelings the Creature has for the cottage family are premature and unrealistic. The feelings the Creature has for the cottage family are premature an unrealistic because he has never interacted face to face with them. The Creature cannot understand this because he is not human; humans rely on face to face interaction as a way to build a relationship with one another. Building a genuine

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