Rehabilitation Case Study of a Hamstring Tear

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Rehabilitation – Case Study


This case study is based on a twenty four year old Rugby Union winger. The injury the client has is a grade two hamstring tear in the left leg which also happens to be the dominate leg, this was caused by deceleration from a sprint and change of direction. Specifically it is the bicep femoris that is ruptured and is also the first time he has received this particular injury. The incident occurred four days ago, the player will be on a crotch for another three days, although the athlete is on crutches he can still do rehabilitation exercises. Early treatment for the injury has consisted of protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation. The main components of fitness for this programme are strength and fitness.
Importance of Strength and Flexibility in Rugby Rehabilitation

Gabbett states ‘Speed is considered an asset in rugby league’ (2012: 496-504). During a rugby match the wingers are consistently relied on to repeat sprints, which takes a lot of strength considering the tackles they have to avoid and receive. A study by (Gabbett, Ullah and Finch 2012) explains that players are most vulnerable to injury when being tackled and that upper body strength as well as high intensity intermittent running ability will reduce the risk of injury during a tackle. The athlete in this case study was injured by sudden deceleration from a sprint and change of direction, therefore the rehabilitation programme must ensure the hamstring is strengthened in order to prevent reoccurrence.
A study by (Quarrie et al., 2001) explains that those with low flexibility are more prone to injury. If a muscle is stressed repetitively and is unable to keep repeating the same contraction consistently it is due to st...

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...s the body of the athlete and a flat surface. Progressions likewise are easy to carry out, equipment needed would only be a step that athlete puts back leg on. Alternatively more sets and/or reps can be added.
During the stretch phase of the exercise the hip is extended and flexed respectively, by stretching the hip both ways it reduces the muscle imbalance therefore reducing the risk of injury. Reduced hip extension ROM (or reduced hip flexor length) to be associated with subsequent hamstring injury (Henderson, Barnes and Portas, 2010). During a rugby game a players do not know what will happen, therefore having flexible muscles is important. Due to the fact that at any point they may have to over stretch actively or passively through no fault of their own. If the body is not used to dealing with the muscle stretching to those lengths they could gain a new injury.

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