Regular Exercise Essay

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Research shows that the overall health in the human body can be improved by exercising regularly. Exercise is defined as any bodily or mental exertion carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. Engaging in physical activity is a great way to keep your mind and body in shape. People achieve many health benefits, both physically and mentally, as a result of exercising regularly.
First of all, exercise plays an important role to build and maintain strong muscles and bones. Resistance training and weight lifting are types of exercise that help build muscle and increase bone strength. Getting in the pattern of being active is crucial to prevent muscle loss and maintain strength as you grow older. Forming habits of regular exercise at …show more content…

Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risks of many harmful health conditions. Being active contributes to the improvement of many health functions in the human body. Reducing blood pressure is just one example as a result of exercise. A reduction in blood pressure leads to a decrease of hypertension. The most significant form of heart disease is caused by chronic hypertension which can be avoided by exercising regularly. Type 2 diabetes is another serious risk that can be avoided by engaging in physical activity. Arthritis is one of the other most experienced diseases in adults that can actually be more at risk by doing too much of the incorrect exercise. Arthritis can be offset by performing flexible training movements such as yoga or even just stretching. Dementia is another serious illness that the risk can be minimalized by increasing blood flow throughout the body and brain as a result of regular …show more content…

Changes in brain function and structure occur over time as we age. Exercise has been shown to cause the hippocampus, a part of the brain’s vital for memory and learning, to grow in size. This serves to increase mental function in older adults. Being active raises your heart rate, which improves the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain benefiting brain function.
Another positive result of engaging in physical activity is a boost in energy levels. You will feel stronger and less fatigued. Some people dread going to the gym early in the morning or after a long day of work thinking they do not have the energy for it, but you actually become more capable of completing the workout once you incorporate them in your daily routine. Regular exercise has been proven to reduce feelings of fatigue and increase energy levels.
Finally, regular exercise can and should develop into a fun activity or habit that you enjoy. Your body should be doing the work while you have a good time. Some people like to work out alone at the gym or in the privacy of their own home while others enjoy exercising ina social setting such as group fitness classes. Get into a routine, regardless of your preference, so that the activity becomes

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