Reflective Practice In Nursing

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Reflective practice has its own impact during the transitional phase of nursing from theory to practice. This document discusses on the significance and effectiveness of reflective practice among Australian new graduate nurses. It begins by identifying the influence and implication of reflective practice on novice nurses, specifying its advantages in current and future context. Subsequently, it highlights on its utilisation as a tool during transitional phase of nursing practice. It relates the benefits reflective practice among new nurses and its impact on their professional, emotional and professional transformation. This essay will then turn to reflect into the practice outcomes and learning issues among new nurses. Nonetheless, it also underlines the obstacles and limitations of reflective practice. It enables the readers to obtain expedient information regarding the use and benefits of reflective practice in nursing context. This essay will argue that reflective practice as a tool enables graduate nurses to develop their professional, personal and emotional abilities. Reflective practice gets an impressive attention in the higher education of nursing and is generally acknowledged as an essential skill for successful graduate proficient practice (Smith & Trede, 2013). A proficient anticipation of reflective practice is frequently observed among novice level of health professionals. It has been mentioned as interrelated aspect for developing professional skills such as experimental learning, continued learning process and capacity to trial current practices (Mann, Gordon, & MacLeod, 2009; Horton-Deutsch & Sherwood, 2008). This has been further supported by a qualitative research conducted among new graduate nurses with a journa... ... middle of paper ... ...of critical reflection to evidence learning in professional practice. Physical Therapy in Sport , 14 (3), :133-8. Rees, K. L. (2013). The role of reflective practices in enabling final year nursing students to respond to the distressing emotional challenges of nursing work. Nurse Education in Practice , 13 (1), 48-52. Robinson, E. T. (1997, March 1). Applying the Theory of Reflective Practice to the Learner and the Teacher: Perspective of a Graduate Student. 12. Smith, M., & Trede, F. (2013). Reflective practice in the transition phase from university student to novice graduate: implications for teaching reflective practice. Higher Education Research & Development , 32 (4), 632-645. Ward , A., & Gracey, J. (2006). Reflective practice in physiotherapy curricula: a survey of UK university based professional practice coordinators. Medical Teacher , 28 (1), 32-9.

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