Reflective Essay On Social Media

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Walking out of class I told myself I just needed to conquer this task and start right away. I knew it would be hard because a major form of communication in today’s world is social media. Before my start time I text my close friends and family letting them know what I was doing and how they could get ahold of me. I knew I needed to do this in order to keep my loved one notified that I was safe, and not ignoring them. Very hesitant at first, I had to pay close attention to not just open up my Instagram tab, or to reply to the text messages I was still receiving. After doing this for not even a couple of hours I realized I was paying such better attention to everything around me. The cars that drove by, the people I saw and even the beautiful buildings of the campus I am calling my new home. Even better, I was getting a whole lot more cleaning and studying done as well. I soon realized that this experiment was not easy, but a great thing for me. …show more content…

Most of the replies I received was “Wow, I could never do that”. These responses made me proud to know that I was handling the experiment well, with surprisingly no intense struggle. I truly dislike the disconnection social media has caused between people truly living in the moment and trying to capture the moment on a cell phone or camera. In today’s world, so many people do not know how to come into a room after a day of school and have a conversation with the other people in the room. They instantly have to check all their social media pages and then maybe they can pay attention to the people in the room. This is so sad because I believe it truly hinders the relationship two people could potentially have. From experience I know how the distraction of social media can make you feel as though the person you are with has no interest in what you have to

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