Reflective Essay: My Failure In High School

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My law of life is, “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom” (George S. Patton ). In my day to day life I tend to believe that failure is not an option, yet this belief came to a halt in 8th grade where academically I faltered well below what I was capable of. That year in school, I finished with once C and two B’s and although I was taking accelerated classes, it was a sucker-punch to my face as previously I hadn’t experienced a setback in school. Throughout the summer and into the beginning of high school, I was struggling with questions about my true identity. Even with doubt in my mind, I created my ultimate goal which was to mount my way back up freshmen year and set the building the blocks to receive admission into America’s most prestigious colleges. The number one step to recovery was for me to tell myself that my subpar performance was not truly who I was, and with that notion I began to change my beliefs. Examples from this include finding a new set of true friends and also learning that school comes first to anything whether it is sports or extra circular fun. Yet the most important task that I took from a change in beliefs was how to effectively manage my work by doing this, I was able to hang out with friends but still was able to mainly …show more content…

When I look back at the judgment I made it ranks as one of the greatest decisions of my life. If I could go back and relive my mistake I would do it all over again as it made me who I am today, and although I suffered through pain there is an old saying that goes “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Overall the greatest advice I can give to anyone is that at some point in your life you will fall, but it’s not how the failure affects you it’s about getting yourself back up and determining the life you want to live not the failure determining your

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