Reflection Paper On Social Worker

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The video that I observed this past week was an initial first meeting with a social worker and a new client. Susan who is an 82-year old female came to her first meeting because she was admitted to the nursing home after she broke her hip due to a fall. Susan informed the social worker that she had been active, but now developed heart problems and some issues with depression. As I observed this first interview between the client and social worker, I recognized that all of those identifying labels told the social worker and myself some behaviors, feelings, and attitudes the client Susan was experiencing (Kadushin & Kadushin, 1997, Chapter 4). The social worker and client began with small talk. The social worker then moved on to introducing herself and discussed what she would bring to the interview by explaining her credentials and the process of the future interviews. The social worker explained the confidentiality policy that should be discussed in every first interview, along with a brief understanding of how payment services work. The decisions for Susan to see a social worker were kind of mandatory, she was not able to pick a path to an agency or pick to become a client (Kadushin & Kadushin, 1997, Chapter 4). The social worker was sensitive to this information since she was referred by other professionals because of the severity and long recovery for her hip and heart problems. …show more content…

Throughout the meeting with Susan, the social worker was an active listener and started where the client was at in terms of concerns she was having (Kadushin & Kadushin, 1997, Chapter 4). The process was new to the client, and the client was unsure of what would be happening in the meetings. The social worker descriptively told her what they would discuss in future

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