Reflection Paper On Social Work

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1) I believe the basic purpose of the social work profession is to help individuals, families, and communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being. Social workers are change agents and because of that, they aim to help people develop their skills and abilities to use resources provided to them to strengthen and improve their lives and communities to resolve problems. One of the main goal of social workers is to improve the well-being and lives of the most vulnerable populations, fight against poverty, unemployment, domestic violence and the underserviced population by emphasizing on the person-in-environment and social justice model. The social work profession, considerers the individuals’ internal and external struggles, while working with the individuals to examine their relationships, family, work environment, community, and other things that might impact them and identify ways to help address problems and challenges. There are many functions of a …show more content…

I have experienced crisis and a lot of pain that had a profound effect on me, after a process of soul searching I have decided the best use of the skills that I have acquired which satisfied a need to give back to my community. I therefore have chosen to become a social worker. While traveling around the world I found that I am capable of dealing calmly, sensitively and supportively with people in fraught and stressful situations. With this in mind I believe that a MSW would best suit. me as it would allow me to use those skills in order to help and support people. My goal is to continue on to post graduate studies at which point I would like to specialize in health and mental health issues that are faced by military veterans while understanding the policies that impact the military, veterans and service

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