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Effects of social media in our lives
Effects of social media in our lives
Social media and the self image affects
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Social media is surrounding us in our daily life, it have a great power to influence every user in the social media. Not only the information we receive, but also the way we receive information. All hot issue in town comes out in the social media, we no longer need to find them out and can just wait till them appear on social media. Therefore, our life become depended to the social media as it is so important to every user. In the following paper, I would like to describe and have reflection on the way of my usage of creative and social media using the cases in Instagram as example.
The user’s self image is very important in social media as well as in Instagram. As this does not only influences the image of you in social media and also how
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On social media we do not only post words, we like to post different picture on it to share with all our friends. I would never post a picture on Facebook, Instagram or the icon of WhatsApp which is not yet being fine tuning using any photo editing applications. I am not saying that I would photoshop every picture to make my eyes looks bigger or make my face looks smaller. But what I will do is to add filter or effect on it, adjusting the light and darkness. (Refer to figure 1 & 2 in appendix) As the light of the picture has being adjust and the man wearing pink shirt were being cropped when the picture is being posted on Instagram. Although sometime the picture looks good enough, I cannot control myself not to edit the picture. The social media expect user would like to present the nonymity, however, my action shows that I am presenting the anonymity. Editing the picture I post is one of the strategic or method I used to help presenting a better self image. Because, I believe that other user will …show more content…
I found that there are two extreme type of user. Which showing that they are using two totally different method to run their Instagram account. First type of user is an example from my secondary classmates AKK. (Refer to figure 3 & 4 in appendix) AKK pay lots of attention on how to gain more followers. She would like to use picture that are well design in both post, background and even everything that exist in the picture to create an image of goddess with a sexy body. She gain many followers and rather have more likes in their picture. Moreover, she wants to create a image of fashion and beauty in Instagram. Beside, she see the more number of likes as a kind of enjoyment and reward. Therefore, she allows lots of shops and strangers to follow their account. She did not care about their life is being exposes to many strangers. The key thing she care about is the numbers of likes they get in each of their pictures. These action also affect their interpersonal relationship. AKK tend to meet friends who also show the image of goddess. They can study how to take better picture using different technic together. However, there are another type of user I discovered in Instagram. This example is from my basketball teammate CTK. (Refer to figure 5 & 6 in appendix) For the example of CTK, she is totally different from the type that mentioned above. They do not really care how many followers they got, they just care
In our age of endless involvement in social media, we often see that people know online aren’t what they seem. Some social media users don’t know that same people we follow or are friends with on Facebook are controlling the way they are being perceived by other users. It’s a new social phenomenon born online and isn’t taken noticed by the everyday users, but there had been movies and stories about it. The topic of identity on social media is being bought up more often in the worldwide conversion about what social media means to us. In the essay “Impression Management on Facebook and Twitter” by Annalise Sigona seeks to inform readers and social media users about the unknowns about the impression and the way user present themselves in social media. When reading this essay, I was introduced to new term, and something I had vague understanding for.
I feel as though more and more teens of this generation are using social media in order to seek approval of attention of others. Since they are expected to use social media in a way to create an online audience, they post pictures of themselves and activities so that they can get a “yes” or “no” response from their audience. If someone posts a picture online and someone who is considered a “friend” makes a positive comment on the photo, then they have received approval of their actions. If someone makes a negative remark on the photo, then they have received disapproval. She uses various examples of how young adults use social media to create a persona of themselves, such as when girls post sexualized pictures of themselves and create avatars of themselves (Orenstein, 448). This means that how they are seen online will affect how they act in real life. When Orenstein says that “the self, becomes a brand”, she means that young adults have to act in a way that is perceived to be socially acceptable by their peers, and the image of how everyone sees you. So many people today use social media, and the biggest one that is being used is Facebook. Profile pictures, albums, and statuses are things that gets posted up for anyone to comment, like, or dislike. Your “friends” on
In the article “What Your Selfies Say About You” by Peggy Drexler, she talks about self-portraits also known as the “selfie”, and how it has taken over social media and added a manifestation to society’s obsession with looks. Taking a self-portrait can be positive in the sense that you are proud of your image and are not scared to share it with others helping boost up your self-esteem. Although this may help others by persuading them to not be ashamed to share their true image, Drexler believes this can also affect other individuals whose focus is only on looks making them feel self-conscious about their looks. A recent study out of the UK found that the selfie phenomenon may be damaging to real world relationships, concluding that both excessive
Currently, social media plays a significant role in our everyday lives and the way people in society interacts with one another. A few years ago, before its influence reached the point where it is now, the large platforms such as Facebook or Twitter which function was merely to keep family and friends connected no matter where they were or what they were doing, and the requirements were an internet connection and a smart phone or a computer. People would share pictures or posts to keep others “updated” on their lives and what they were thinking. Now social media platforms are far more complicated. In various of them, such as Instagram or Snapchat, it is not enough to only share a picture or video of your day, but it is almost a requirement and people are pushed to take an extra mile further away and make yourself appear interesting in the eyes of others. The “feed” requires to be eye catching, the captions should be memorable, the places one goes to ought to look way better than they actually are, you have to include friends in such posts to prove one have a social life outside of the phone. The importance of the number of followers, likes or viewers
This paper will examine the effects that social media and magazines tend to have on individuals. To help determine the effects of these kinds of media on the self, this paper will discuss what the “self” is. It will also look at the different types of social media and magazines while examining the positive and negative aspects these kinds of media contribute to the self. The constant ongoing debate happens to be what is deemed to be the actual definition of the word self.
One such method is the use of the social networking platform called Instagram. “It is a
Throughout the recent years, Photoshop has become a widespread phenomenon amongst the world. With the rapidly developing inventions of camera’s and devices with cameras on them; posting pictures on social media has become extremely popular. Along with that, the pressure to appear perfect in said pictures has increased dramatically. Society has become exceedingly focused on the idea of perfect, and what perfect looks like. Especially now, with growing photo sharing phone applications such as Instagram, photo editing is becoming even more popular. Photoshop has proven to have many beneficial uses; however, it also has very negative consequences such as false perceptions, and misleading people.
“Social media, a web-based and mobile technology, has turned communication into a social dialogue, and dominates the younger generation and their culture. As of 2010, Generation Y now outnumbers Baby Boomers, and 96% of Gen Y has joined a social network” (Qualman 1). Social media now accounts for the number one use of the Internet, and this percentage is rising bigger every day (Qualman). As a consequence, people are becoming more reliant on social media, which has a led to a number of advantageous as well as unfavorable effects. The world is more connected today than it has ever been in the past, and this is all because of growth in technology. What has yet to be determined though
haven't seen, and keep them updated on your day to day life. The Internet has become an important part of our lives, especially social media. I disagree with the idea that you can make real friends on the Internet because it's not safe and it does not provide basic needs that sustain a friendship.
Every day we meet a lot of people have seen their behavior, listen to what they say, think about them, try to understand them. We feel that we not only see what color eyes and hair of a person, tall or not, thin or full, but also sad to him or fun, smart or stupid it, solid or not and so on. Over the past decade, social media has seen growth to the point where it is reflects in our daily lives and even the lives of those who choose not to use it. Anywhere we go online, there are always buttons to click so that you can share something on Facebook or pin it to your Pinterest account.
It is no secret that social media has become a part of our everyday lives. This is a society where you are judged by how many Instragram likes your photos can get or how many followers you have on Twitter. Not only have social media become a part of our lives, it has changed the way. Whether it be lack of conversation at the dinner table or voicing our opinion on Twitter, there is no denying that social media is here to stay. While my fellow Rider students and I may be spending too much checking social media sites, it most certainly keeps us in touch with the Rider community.
Since the introduction of internet in the 1990’s, its importance worldwide has always grown tremendously. From the first email send to the domination of Facebook and other social media websites, it has changed the way people communicate. The use of social media is increasingly becoming the preferred way people share their daily activities, ideas and knowledge and that is why it’s the most talked about and used platform. Many companies are encouraging their employees to use various social media platforms and engage online for office productivity, posting opinions and presenting their thoughts. Corporations realize that Social Media tools such as blogs, forums, podcasts and social networking websites makes internal communications faster, more convenient and effective. Social media is a low-cost, high-impact tool that can also complement and reinforce your existing communications efforts. It gives a new dimension to internal communications in many ways: building relationship with employees, leads to diverse thinking and innovation, and reduce costs and Increase Productivity. Social media has impacted positively in the business world, but its downside has impacted teens in high school, with issues such as cyber bullying, and people using Facebook and twitter to get over their boredom and research proving that the more they use social networking websites the more envious they feel.
There is some debate about whether or not people are truly displaying themselves or If they are displaying their ideal selves meaning they display who they think they should be or who they think society wants them to be rather than who they truly are. Claims have been made that when people change their characteristics on social media in order to show their ideal selves they do this in order to impress those around them as well as to be seen in a more positive and flattering
In the end, social media provide a way of keeping in relations with friends, also allow many companies to reach a large number of costumers and to be more productivity. At the same time, media are changing the ways in which we communicate and interact with others. Social media is a very interesting thing in our life. It was made for the free exchange of lots of information all around the world without boundaries but we have to know well how and why to use these media.
Instagram is an application used on a mobile phone for the purposes of social networking and sharing photos and videos. Instagram offers its services online and enables people to take pictures