Reflection Paper On Freshmen English

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Freshman year is always talked about as one of the most important years of school because that’s when grades start to actually matter. Grades become set in the stone like pyramid hieroglyphics compared to our old grades that washed away like coarse sand castles on the beach. The grades you receive that first semester will be part of your GPA the rest of your high school education. Not only do the grades start counting, but some students find it difficult adjusting to high school level classes. For me, freshmen English was the year my writing had to make drastic changes. From Kindergarten to Eighth grade my writing could be described as impressively average. My writing had always met expectations, never exceeding them. I would turn in my assignments …show more content…

I wanted the good grade so decided to actually work on my writing. The next assignment was a standard 3 page argumentative essay. I started weeks before it was due. I dedicated an hour or more every night leading up to the due date. I asked for peer reviews and I even asked the teacher for help directly. I made every edit the teacher suggested until I was sure this was the best writing I was capable of. The paper was equal parts blood, sweat, and tears. I had never in my life put that much effort into an English paper. I felt great turning it in. “This assignment was something to be proud of!” I …show more content…

How does that even happen? Was I born to fail? Am I paying for a previous sin in a past life? There has to be an answer for my poor performance. Even with the teacher’s guidance the most I am capable of is a low B? I’m done. I’m tapping out. Sometimes you try your best and your best is not good enough. I am not going to be judged on my non-emotional poetry and receive a substandard grade for the amount of work I put it. I didn’t do a single Accelerated or AP English class the rest of high school. Why would I work hard for a B when I can receive an A in regular English. The rest of high school my writing stayed at exactly the same level where it was during the 9th

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