Reflection On Teaching Practice

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Teachers face with a lot of daily choice problems, such as, how classrooms and curriculums should be organized, how students' behaviors should be interpreted, how learning time can be protected, and others. Sometimes these problems seem to be so ordinary that, teacher need to solve the problem automatically. But in the teaching process there are also complicated choices about difficult problems that, if left unaddressed, often increasing. These difficult choices call for teachers to engage in sophisticated reflection (including self-reflection). Expert teachers tend to adjust their thinking to accommodate with the level of reflection a problem situation calls for. Their teaching is characterized by an intentional competence that enables On teaching practices teachers might use several ways to reflect. The following might be the useful tips from colleagues. 1. You can videotape yourself. After you get past the way you look and the way you sound, the videotape offers better information about your teaching practices. Your students thinking about the subject is observable. Trying to tape yourself once a month is a good idea. Over the academic year focus on some particular behaviors like those mentioned before and look for the possible changes. 2. Written logs. For each class you can keep a weekly reflection log or diary. It would be better if the students keep logs, too. At least, one a week spend the last ten minutes of class filling them out. Ask yourself what are your weekly success. Did you make progress in your effort to listen more attentively to students' responses? If you would have to teach the same lesson for the parallel group for the second time you would use the same techniques or you made some changes? Going back periodically and reading your logs will be effective. By using these methods you will learn a lot about yourself. Reading what your students say is equally important. It gives you clues about their perceptions of subject Some of us won't be able to change our teaching practices so quickly. We have been trying to implement these ideas for several years Also you won't want or need to change everything about your teaching. Just make some changes about your faults. Some of what you are doing is the best option for the current lesson. You are considered to be using good technique when you usually make effective use of wait time. If you usually ask students to justify their comments, both right and wrong, keep doing that. Look for the positive in what you do. Don't try to change everything immediately. And the more reflective you become, the more you will notice. Take it one day at a time. The greatest reward of becoming a reflective practitioner is that you become aware of how insightful and capable your students

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