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Factors influencing student motivation
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My career as an educator has been varied to say the least. I have taught in high school: Senior Capstone, Spanish I, Reading Intervention, and Junior English. In elementary school, I have taught two summer reading programs for K-1 students and spent a semester as an interventionist for both math and reading in a K-6 school. In all five schools where I have worked, I have strived to be an effective teacher and leader.
If there is anything I have learned as an educator, it is that effective communication with is key – and this was a lesson hard-learned during my first year of teaching. For example, I thought I was communicating my expectations clearly to my classes. I let them know of our class objectives, planned my lessons using the model our school advised, kept in contact with parents, updated my website, and constantly asked my mentor teacher for tips on keeping my kids interested. The situation that followed in my classes were that my struggling students
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My students did not study because they did not know how to study. They blindly nodded their heads when I explained Spanish grammar and said they understood, but they did not even know which part of the grammar confused them on tests. My reading intervention students knew they “couldn’t read” (their words), but they did not know why. As their teacher, I had to communicate how to be an effective student before I could expect any investment in their education. Therefore, in my years as a high school teacher, I taught study habits in addition to the curriculum, instructed them on how to use their textbooks, and I used my tests as a way to assess their skill levels so I could remediate or enrich different learners as needed. As I gave feedback to students and they knew my expectations for their growth, they learned knew how to strategically attack
Establish workable relations with teachers either one-on-one, small group, or large group instruction or discussions.
I am an African American female who attends the University of Chicago Charter School, which is located on the South side of Chicago. I am seventeen years old and I live and attend school in a predominantly Black neighborhood. I have seen plenty in my seventeen years of living. My goal is to go to college and become a teacher, so that I can return to Chicago and help the people in my community. In six years, I will be giving back to the community and helping the world become better place. I will help teach kids not to live in stereotypes and let them bring them down.
Becoming an educator for such an important career is not an easy task and requires a lot from those who are looking into pursuing it. It will take a lot of time and dedication to figure out what one specifically wants to do. It is a lot of pressure knowing that pursuing a career as an educator will put one
After spending some time reading about effective teaching, I found that one of the key aspects that seemed to come up most was communication. I believe that as a teacher you will need to have a range of communication, interpersonal and group skills. Communication is not just about being able to speak with your students , but also include writing, reading, listening with your eyes and ears, and also body language.( Ornstein, Lasley ,2004) For effective communication a teacher must interact and communicate respect , there should always be respect for the students, Parents, Colleague’s and their network of educational professionals . I feel that listening deeply and giving credit for the student’s contributions will encourage respect from the students, a great example of this can be seen in the (Online course: Becoming a Teacher,2005). The Teacher’s Name is Anne Christodulou, and the communication with her students is continuous, respectful, shows a caring attitude, and provides a model of high ethical standards. Coulson (cited in Killen, 2009) describes: “Effective communicators as teachers that will relate well with students, explain clearly, make their expectations explicit, and engage the students.” I be...
In order to be an effective teacher there needs to be an understanding that we all learn differently, this means that no single teaching strategy is effective for all students/learners all the time. This makes teaching a complex process because you need to understand and meet the requirements of all of your learners. Students learn best when they aren’t asked to simply memorise information but when they form their own understandings of what is being taught. When a student has successfully learnt a new idea they are able to then intergrate this information with their previously learnt information and make sense of it. To be an effective teacher you need to work jointly with students to asses where they are at, be able to give feedback on how the student is going and ensure that they are understanding the lesson (Killen, 2013) According to Lovat and Smith (2003) students learning must result in a change in a student’s understanding of the information being taught. In order to show understanding they must be able to share this information with others and want to learn more (Killen, 2013). In order to have a deeper understanding of what is being taught they need to be aware of the relationship that exists between what they knew previously and the new information that is being learned (Killen, 2013).. Students need to be given goals that they can achieve in order to feel a sense of mastery over their own learning, this gives students motivation that they are able to complete tasks and to keep going.
...of love, kindness, patience. They also need time because educators do need time for what they are trying to accomplish with each student. I went into the field of teaching knowing that it was not going to be an easy job. There will be many aspect of the field to deal with. I must keep my mind open while looking for effective ways to communicate with my students and peers. Not only will I seek to influence my students academically but I must deal with them on a personal level and also ethically. Borrowing a line from my former third grade teacher Mrs. Stewart, by any means necessary I will quipped my students with the necessary tools to allow them to succeed in life and this I will do by keeping in mind that everyone of my student should not received nothing less than the child that precedes them. I will give each child a well rounded, honest education.
As an education major at State College, I’ve decided to become a teacher for several reasons. As I progressed through elementary, middle, and high school, many of my teachers were great role models for me. This has inspired me to become a role model for someone in the near future. My love for science and math has also influenced my desire to teach and make a difference in a child’s life. I want to teach students the subjects that I love so much. I want the feeling that I helped a child accomplish or learn something they couldn’t understand. One of the main reasons I want to become an educator is because I feel education has really lost teachers who truly love teaching and those who truly love teaching and those who have the desire to make a difference. I feel I can really help make a difference in the education world and bring back the love to teach.
Through my own experiences, and as enforced by others' opinions in the profession, I have found that teaching is one of the most rewarding careers. Not only are you placed in the position of instructing and guiding children and young adults through the life long learning process, but you are able to give back to the schools and communities which have supported your early education and experiences that opened you up to a bright future. In becoming an educator, I hope to someday share the knowledge and lend the helping, supportive hand that I was once given, allowing students to formulate their own perspectives of the multicultural society and world around them. Teaching is a career I have been interested in pursuing throughout high school, and as my experiences and study in the field expands, I feel that my desire to teach will grow stronger and develop more soundly.
I chose to do my teacher interview in my home town at Richard D. Crosby Elementary School. This K-3rd grade building is very new, it was built in 2010. It has 4 pods, one for each grade level and has a large discovery center in each pod. The school is very colorful, with each pod a different color so the children find it easy to go from area to area. I did my interview with Mrs. Doe, a special education teacher. Her room has a lot of materials for learning and is set up to have several work stations for group activities. Mrs. Doe shares her students with other special education teachers and also has a special education classroom aide. My research question is how does a teacher’s perspective on learning reflect theories and concepts in educational psychology? Mrs. Doe is faced with many challenges in her classroom, overcrowding, multi-cultural differences, learning disabilities, several students with low socioeconomic status and English language learners. There are many challenges for Mrs. Doe to deal with, but she has been teaching for 21 years and has a lot of experience. She started out as a regular classroom teacher, but switched to special education and has done so well that when she asked if she could return to the regular classroom setting, the Superintendent begged her to stay in the special education department because of her success.
In order to educate my students, they must first know that I respect and care for them and will do anything in my power to help them achieve. This is the career that I am choosing and I am determined to do my very best. Children these days need positive role models and someone that cares for them because school may be the only place they receive either. If they know that I am willing to help them and that I love them as people as well as my students, then they are probably going to be more apt to learn. Managing their behavior with an assertive discipline will be my objec...
Coming into this class, I figured we would learn about how to handle different kinds of situations from a teacher’s standpoint. As it turns out, the class is much more than just that. I figured there would be group discussions consisting of some controversial issues, but I had no idea how the course would make me feel as a person and as a future educator. So far, this class has brought to light the incredibly difficult decisions I will have to make as a teacher. Not only will those decisions affect the child and parents of that child at hand, but myself as well.
Becoming a teacher has been the ultimate aspiration for myself since the first day I walked into kindergarten. As a very timid student, it was a difficult task transitioning from being with my mother everyday, to being part of a classroom environment full of strangers. However, my kindergarten teacher helped me through this transition smoothly, and adequately. I very quickly learned to love school. Soon after, I knew I would aspire to become a teacher. I would spend countless hours at home with a blackboard, acting as a teacher to my imaginary students throughout my elementary school years.
There have been many factors that have inspired me to this career choice. Watching my teachers, both past and present, has inspired me to become a teacher. I have a genuine interest in lifelong learning and as such I have the desire to not only instil knowledge and values to others, but also encourage them to share my passion for learning. Social Justice and leadership roles at school, along with my extra-curricular involvement with Cowra Youth Council, have highlighted my ability to work with and for the benefit of young people. In essence I know that my abilities and aspirations will make me a good teacher.
Develop teaching expertise is the part of proposition from NBPTS, specifically knowing the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students (1987). One of the methods is continue to pursue their professional development by joining a professional association or organization, attending a workshop, and reading a professional journal, website, or books. These ideas enhance teachers’ cognitive growth by enlarge information of the latest strategies or method, enhance cognitive growth, and learning to help the teachers to become expert in their teaching and influence on student learning.
Teaching is a daunting task that I do not intend to take lightly. Becoming a teacher has been a dream of mine for several years. I always knew that teaching would be the career for me, especially when I began working in the school system as a substitute secretary. I loved working in the school environment; coming in contact with children everyday made me realize how much I would enjoy teaching a classroom full of students.