Film Summary And Film Review: Food Inc.

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While watching Food Inc. I was surprised by all of the ingredients in food that we were unaware of. This shocks me, because you think you are eating healthy but that is hardly the case at all. The food we eat is so gross and contaminated with bacteria that doesn’t die when cooked. The supermarkets and grocery stores that we shop in are completely incorrect and false advertisement. The food brands and pictures on the actual food is shown with local farmers, or “organic”, or even just completely not what is in that product. I don’t know how they get away with it, let alone do it to us every day. There are no seasons in supermarkets and grocery stores, for example the tomatoes we eat are always red, and ripe, and appear to be juicy. However, that …show more content…

Cows get slaughter every day for the excess amount of beef on their bodies, which I know is normal. However, after watching this movie I realized how mistreated these animals are. Some of these poor cows can’t even walk because they are so crammed together and are literally stepping right in their feces all day, and pick up every kind of bacteria you can think of. The fact that they still slaughter these animals and put them with the “organic” beef that we think we are eating is so disgusting. Instead of putting the cow down, they roll it into the slaughter house and let people consume what is left of that cow all while thinking this beef is not full of bacteria. The number one reason that people get E.coli is due to feces, so think of all the cows just laying right in their contaminated feces all day, and not being able to walk so they have no choice. 70% of the meat that we consume daily is meat filler, and the rest in ammonia that the meat processing plant cleans with. This cannot be healthy, let alone edible. The meat is so tainted and contaminated. The E.coli and the acid resistant meat are what is sold in the stores to try to feed us and lead us to believe that this is healthy. There are 13 major slaughter houses in the world, and 9 are in our county. You can imagine the competition that these slaughter houses have from one to the other. This is all to feed us …show more content…

It was brought to my attention that I couldn’t find a product in the supermarket that did not have some sort of ingredient of corn, which at this point I have looked and they all do have some type. It is literally in everything you use daily, even baby diapers. This happens because seed corn is cheap and can be used in virtually anything to save money. The farmers that tried to have their own corn farm will be taking over by GMO’s or another company by the name of Monsants. The monsants is a publicly traded American multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation headquartered in Creve Coeur, Greater St. Louis, Missouri. It is a leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed and of the herbicide glyphosate, which it markets under the Roundup brand. 90% of all soybeans contain the product Round Up. Round up is a weed killer that contains glyphosate which is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses known to compete with commercial crops grown around the globe. The Monsants will use drones or aircraft to fly over your farm and see if you will be keeping any of your own seed. If you would get caught keeping your own seed and not letting Monsant’s own them, you will be turned over to a list and then deal with consequences through them. The monsants are also known to put GMO in all of the

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