Reflection About Communication

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Effective communication is an important aspect to all humans. However, it is extremely substantial when it comes to the relationship between a teacher and student. In preschool aged children, they are still learning about themselves, while also trying to grasp the concept of everything else that there is to learn. In the article that I used for my article review, it touches base on the importance of the skill communication. Through communication children begin to develop proper speech and language skills. As we all know, this is a required skill for children as they go through grade school. Therefore, it is important to have staff that is trained in education and knows how to adapt to change in language. (Department for Children, Schools, and …show more content…

Like it was mentioned in the article, communication is the foundation to all areas of development when it comes to learning or life in general. I couldn’t agree more! As teachers, we serve as a role model to the children in our classroom. They watch us and take note of how we deal with arising problems. That’s why it is important that we set a good example at all times and also practice our own communication skills. One way that I have experience with this topic is through my curriculum. I personally like to have a mini debate on a topic that relates to the given weeks theme. EX: If the theme of the week is summer, I could have a debate on how the children learned to swim or what their favorite ice cream is. The children could then talk among each other about how their opinions vary from one another. This is a fun and engaging activity for the children, but also allows them to practice …show more content…

This type of articles are helpful for teachers or directors because they are conducted through observation and are reliable, oppose to information that is obtained straight from a textbook. I personally like to practice new ways of communication on a daily basis. I monitor the way that I communicate with fellow co-workers, parents, and children. I try to set an example of effective and positive communication, even when there is conflict. Children learn through experience and when their teachers or families provide them with a negative experience, they are likely to follow in those footsteps. That is another reason why it is important for families and teachers to work together and be on the same page to help the children

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