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Organizational development (od) paper
Management styles
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A comprehensive health care system requires effective workforce and policies to ensure organizational success. Reduction in force (“RIF”), is one of the preferred routes used by administrators to improve organizational performance and effectively accomplish the future vision of the organization. Potential reasons to conduct RIF is: 1. Organization demand/changes like ownership or reorganization. 2. Financial issues can be inferred by cost cutting or financial difficulties. 3. Abolishment of the position or designation as alternatives can be used. There are many synonyms of RIF like layoff or downsizing. To conduct RIF in a medical facility various considerations should be taken like to build selection criteria followed by the procedure to be followed to carry out …show more content…
Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA Act) : It is the act that establishes minimum standards for pension plans in a private health facility and is associated with employment benefit plans. 3. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA Act) : It outlines right to the workers to continue health benefits under critical circumstances like reduction in working hours, job loss. Organization development (OD) is (1) a planned process of change (2) using behavioral science (3) in an organization-wide process (4) utilizing a systematic approach (5) to problem-solving with a the goal of improving the effectiveness of the organization. (Borkowski, 2005). The development of the organization depends on how the manager and team adapt to change impacts. At the workplace embracing and perceiving, values are important for the overall success of the organization. To manage change and for the development of organization understanding the definition of change is very important. “Change is a very complex phenomenon involving a multiplicity of man’s motivation in both micro and macro systems and that man gets satisfied with his equilibrium and is resistant to changing his status quo.” (Lippitt,
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) supports workers, who have lost the right to their health benefits, so that they can keep their employer-sponsored group health plan in force. The need for continued insurance coverage is necessary when coverage is interrupted due to the loss of a job, reduced working hours, death of the insured employee, divorce or even other circumstances that affect a person’s life. A person who qualifies for the group health benefit is usually expected to pay for that premium. The employer may increase the premium up to 102 percent, which is allowed under the provisions of COBRA. The law applies to all employer-sponsored group plans who have 20 and above employees and urges them to ensure an extension of the health coverage that is temporary (Magill, 2009).
Length of service should play a role in making decisions for a reduction-in-force in a non-union organization but it should be taken into consideration along with skill level. An employee should not keep his or her job simply because they have been with the organization for several years. Each employee would need to be reviewed not only on how long they have been with the organization, but on his or her performance as well.
The Organization Development (OD) approach in the Dupont story is shown by manager Tom Harris in his desire to improve overall organization effectiveness (Palmer et al., 2009, p. 193). One of the characteristics of OD is that “it aims at improving the effectiveness of the organization in order to help it achieve its mission” (Palmer et al., 2009, p. 193). Also, when Harris decided to have Professor Akin from Virginia come to assess the entire organization in order implement a plan for improvement he was further instituting the OD approach as Professor Akin assumed the role of OD practitioner (Palmer et al., 2009). This first order change approach was supported by the top management, was action-oriented and was focused on introducing the group of managers to new...
As the new hospital administrator, I have been assigned the task of controlling our budget by reducing unnecessary expenses and by providing a...
Organizational Development (OD) is concerned with the performance, development, and effectiveness of human organizations. OD is directed at bringing about planned change to increase an organization’s effectiveness and capacity. It is an applied behavioural science that is focused on the organization as a system, and among other issues is concerned with the health of the organization, its effectiveness, its capacity to solve problems, its ability to adapt, change or of self renewal, and its ability to create a high quality of life for its employees.
Change is a fundamental element of individuals, groups and all sorts of organizations. As it is the case for individuals, groups and societies, where change is a continuous process, composed of an indefinite amount of smaller sub-changes that vary in effect and length, and is affected by all sorts of aspects and events, many of which cyclic are anticipated ones. It is also the case for organizations, where change occurs repeatedly during the life cycle of organizations. Yet change in organizations is not as anticipated nor as predictable, with unexpected internal and external variables and political forces that can further complicate the management of change (Andriopoulos, C. and P. Dawson, 2009), which is by itself, the focus of many scholars in their pursuit to shed light on and facilitate the change process (Kotter 1996; Levin 1947; et al).
Cutting down manpower is due to the decreasing labor demand of our company, based on external and internal factors.
In today’s working environment one must have the ability to step forward and break out of their shell in order to be successful. Since studying organizational development I have become more cognizant of this fact. Through the study of organizational development, I have seen tendencies I have succeeded and some which I can improve on. The following sections will identify the areas of strength I have been successful with and identify the areas that I see can be improved upon.
Besides that, change is continuously revolved. An organizations, human beings or nature will face change every single day in their life. For a change in an organization, managers have vital responsibility of guiding the members of organizations or teams through change unscathed. Managers or decision makers must first recognize the different types of change that
The idea of change is the most constant factor in business today and organisational change therefore plays a crucial role in this highly dynamic environment. It is defined as a company that is going through a transformation and is in a progressive step towards improving their existing capabilities. Organisational change is important as managers need to continue to commit and deliver today but must also think of changes that lie ahead tomorrow. This is a difficult task because management systems are design, and people are rewarded for stability. These two main factors will be discussed with reasons as to why organisational change is necessary for survival, but on the other hand why it is difficult to accomplish.
The change process within any organization can prove to be difficult and very stressful, not only for the employees but also for the management team. Hayes (2014), highlights seven core activities that must take place in order for change to be effective: recognizing the need for change, diagnosing the change and formulating a future state, planning the desired change, implementing the strategies, sustaining the implemented change, managing all those involved and learning from the change. Individually, these steps are comprised of key actions and decisions that must be properly addressed in order to move on to the next step. This paper is going to examine how change managers manage the implementation of change and strategies used
Organsations need to be sensitive to the need for change in order to survive in today’s highly competitive and dynamic business environment. Present and future Needs in and outside an Organizations are changing everyday, the organisation needs to be equiped with a clear and deep understanding of them and simultaneously respond to them on a priority basis.
In an ever-changing business environment, for organisations to remain competitive in this fast-moving world of technological development and globalization, organisations must examine frameworks regularly and manage change and their working practices and systems if they are to remain competitive. “It is becoming increasingly important for organizations to gain competitive advantage by being able to manage and survive change ” “Organizational change has become synonymous with managerial effectiveness since the 1980s (Burnes, 1996; Wilson, 1992). A definition given by Mark Hughes (2006 ) in his book Change Management defines ‘ Change’ as “The leadership and direction of the process of organizational transformation – especially with regard to human aspects and overcoming resistance to change” (Hughes, 2006). Change is a constant feature of organizational life and the ability to manage it is
One of the first scholars to describe the process of organizational change was Lewin (1974). He described change as a three-stage process that consists of unfreezing, moving and freezing stage. During the unfreezing stage the organizations become motivated to change by some event or objective. The moving stage is like implementation when the organization actually makes the necessary change. Furthermore the freezing stage is reached when the change becomes permanent. Organizational change has also...
Organizational Development can be meant as a comprehensive strategy for organization improvement. Strategies are being formed to for restructuring & development of management of an organization.