Choosing Honors Classes: A Personal Perspective

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Deciding your next year's classes probably is one of the few school activities you like, but have a hard time completing. One common choice high students need to make is to decide whether they want to take regular core classes or honors core classes. Personally, I seriously don't think it is a hard decision to make. Any sophisticated individual, whether it is the student or the student's parent, would choose honors courses for sure. Everyone's reason for making this decision might be different. I will be discussing my reasons for the choice I made and to persuade you to make this simple decision for you and your child.
First of all, I would like to state that I made the decisions based on my instinct desire. In other words, I chose to take honors classes because of my personality and my ambitious goals. Taking honors classes can "challenge" myself in more …show more content…

Unlike math classes, there are no prerequisites to honors courses like history and biology. However, students in honors classes usually want to achieve and learn, or at least their parents want them to. Under this environment, I am able to surround myself with people that possibly have the ambitious character that I possess. Furthermore, the maturity of the students in honors classes is usually higher than the regular classes. Also, many honors students probably have been taking honors courses since middle school, which let the students to have similar background knowledge. Lastly, a reason and a benefit of me taking honors classes is the classes enables myself to improve my writing skills. Since English is my second language, I need to let myself to absorb as much knowledge as I possibly can so I am able to use it efficiency. All in all, my instinct desire caused myself to choose honors classes. Taking honors courses will help me in the long un. To achieve my goals and to improve my English

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