Real World Readiness Enhancing High School Education

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Real-World Readiness: Enhancing High School Education Dear School Board, the transition from high school to the real world can be a struggle for most. Respectfully, schools are not doing enough to prepare students for this major transition. Therefore, I will advocate for two specific improvements crucial for better-preparing students for life beyond high school. Having a more personalized learning system is one way to develop students for life after high school. Access to higher and more challenging education can also benefit students who want to attend college post-graduation. I believe that with these improvements, students will be better equipped for the challenges they will face after high school. As I originally stated, providing students with a more personalized …show more content…

From this quote, you can see how personalized learning can enhance a student's outcome and equip them with the skills needed for whatever path they may choose to take. To follow up with that, allowing students access to higher education is another improvement that can be made to prepare students for life beyond high school. Although higher education is not for every student, students who have already experienced college-level classes may find the academic transition easier. In the article, “The Benefits of College in High School Programs” it states, “College in high school programs help students — particularly those who are low income, students of color, or first generation — to acclimate to college-level teaching and expectations in a supported environment, giving students college skills, confidence, and an understanding of how to be a college student that makes it much more likely they will attend a good-fit college or university, thrive there, and complete a postsecondary degree or credential”. This quote supports the idea that higher education allows students to succeed more and proves

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