Should Every American go to College?

1005 Words3 Pages

Being a college graduate is a big part of the American dream. Some of America’s best universities have been around for hundreds of years. But, should every American go to college? Not everyone can handle the rigorous college life. Most of the people who go to college are upper class kids whose parents went to college. Margaret Miller states in her article “the privileges of the parents,” that we need to start pulling in newcomers to college to help them succeed and not focus on the privileged children of America who will go to college because their parents went (629). There are numerous people who are very intelligent but cannot afford the cost of going to college. The biggest struggle Americans have when it comes to going to college is the thousands of dollars it costs to acquire a college education. College degrees are in high demand but for many people aren’t an option they can consider due to the high prices. Pharinet stated in his article “Is College for Everyone?” from, “There is also no doubt that every person has the right to an education” (635). Not every American should go to college, but college should be a possibility for everyone.
Even though college is not for everyone it should be an opportunity for every American. There are numerous benefits that come from getting a college education. Receiving a college education doesn’t just profit the person who is given the college degree. In an article written by Margaret Miller she stated, “In short, a college education has benefits that ripple down through the generations” (629). If your parents went to college then you are more likely to receive a college education. The benefits of someone going to college reach through all parts of society and incre...

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...cannot afford. If America wants to continue contending with other countries and keep pushing new ideas and innovations, college needs to become more affordable. The benefits of people going to college affect all of society and not just the individual. By choosing to go to college today, we will affect many generations to come. By more Americans going to college it will create higher paying jobs and a growing economy. There will be a greater job security by acquiring a college degree. With people going and receiving college educations the quality of life will be better. There is clear substantial evidence from America’s past with the GI Bill that America will greatly profit from college being more accessible. There are numerous benefits that come from getting a higher education. College might not be for every American, but should still be an opportunity for everyone.

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