Charles Murray: Are Too Many People Going To College

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Charles Murray was able to pose and answer the question about whether or not too many people are going to college. In his essay,"Are Too Many People Going to College," he argues that most students should not be going to college to attain a bachelor 's degree when their skills and interests lie elsewhere (240). Murray 's argument on this topic is felt strongly by him, he believes that going to college is helpful for those who have the academic ability to absorb a college-level education, it is the appropriate thing to push a student in that direction since they are likely to gain wisdom (238). On the other hand, there are students in America that learn their core knowledge from kindergarten through eighth grade and are set for their future. …show more content…

Some can argue that many kids are educated too early, students start school too early, individuals enter the workforce too early, and retirement starts early. Nonetheless, getting ready to start a number of these activities is not necessarily a bad thing. Getting into college and acquiring certain skills in preparation starts way before high school. Many students acquire their core knowledge from kindergarten to eighth grade and if they are well off due to how much knowledge they took in, they are usually ready to take on the challenge of preparing for college (Murray 237). The foundation that core knowledge was built on needs to devote most of its time and resources to providing increased support for students and teachers in the early grades. Efforts are mostly needed in that field because there is hope that students can become more engaged if they get the amount of attention they need and teachers would need to work with them only if they are given back what they deserve. There is a lot to learn which is why teachers should not be afraid of giving the students extra review on topics they previously learned outside of the class. Certainly, with review more students will confident about what they have learned and find academic achievement. It especially takes time for a student to feel academic achievement if they have already planned on not attending college due to how they felt about grade …show more content…

If they are not motivated in putting their mind and time there is no point to force him or her to study in college. They will not study, but in turn, it will just be a waste of four years of time. It might seem that university is a good path for some people, but not for everyone. Some fields, require it and many occupations would be extremely difficult to have and function without it. What should be promoted nowadays should be either college or how to find a job suitable for you, but many argue that it should be not one or the other. The reason behind that is everyone is brainwashed that going to college comes before finding the perfect

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