Benefit Of Attending College Essay

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For many years, college wasn’t necessarily essential for all people. But as times change and education advances, it is getting harder and harder to make a living without a college degree. So does this mean that teenagers should want to and be expected to attend college? In current times, children are told from a young age that college is imperative to getting a good, stable job. However, this is not always true. Therefore, it cannot be determined if college is always the best choice. Because each person is different and learns in a way unique to themselves, it’s up to each individual to decide whether or not they think they need further education based upon their goals, aspirations, and desires in life. There are many benefits to attending a college or university. For example, college graduates earn about $17,500 more each year than high school graduates. College degrees also give you more options. Not only do you have many career options after obtaining your degree, you also have differing options of how you acquire your degree. Colleges and universities have created many diverse programs, offering traditional classes, online classes, semi-online classes, and night and weekend classes. One of the biggest benefits of attending college is the real world experience you gain from being there and living partially on your own. For most people, college is a time where you can gain experience living with new responsibilities that you don’t have at home, without the pressure of having to pay bills on time …show more content…

I haven’t yet decided what I’m going to do with my life. I could do something medical, in which I will need a degree. Or I could do something different, but I currently have no idea. I definitely see both the benefits and drawbacks of college, and I think it would be wise to attend, but if I don’t need the education, then I’m not going to spend my time and money delaying my

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