College Education Worth It Essay

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Worth It Dan Rather once said, “A college degree is the key to realizing the American dream, well worth the financial sacrifice because it is supposed to open the door to a world of opportunity.” To me this quote means that we have a chance to do what we like. The world is filled with many choices and some require a college degree to reach some of the goals. We all have to make sacrifices for the things that we want because that’s what life is. A college degree is worth the effort because college graduates can get better jobs, meet new people, and learn new ideas. Having a college degree can help people get better jobs. “Between 1920 and 1945 secondary schools expanded, increasing the number of high school graduates, the number of college students from 250,000 to 1.3 million, and the percentage of the college student from 5% to 15% (“Is a college education worth it? N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.). I believed that everyone likes money because it could buy them anything they want. Deciding to attend college may be difficult because of the money, but you could become a lawyer, doctor, electrician, and etc. You can also get more …show more content…

Being in an unfamiliar place can be uncomfortable and that’s why you will have others to help you around the campus. If you decide to live on campus, you’ll have more freedom than living at home because then you won’t have others brothering you. Being in college is a lot different than high school because no one is going to nag you every day. “Sure, some people choose to go to college close to home, and never really branch out of the routine they’ve developed for themselves since high school.” (Wright, Sarah. “What’s the Point of College Really?” N.p., n.d. 23 Nov. 2015.). Everyone has different ideas about college. There are two types of people and one of them is that they can wait to leave the house and the other one wants to stay and never leave the

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