The Economic Value of a College Degree

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As the cost of college tuition continues to rise each year, many individuals are questioning if a college education is worth the time and effort needed to obtain a college degree. In today’s society, however, a high school education or diploma is not enough to insure a chance at having a good future. For many students, the decision on whether or not he/she should pursue a higher education is a major conflict for many young adults who are graduating high school. Therefore, while some students wonder if going to college is worth the price tag, in the end, the benefits associated with earning a college degree are proven to uphold numerous opportunities for individuals in the future. As with many achievements in life, obtaining a college degree presents itself as a valuable asset in life by offering many economic opportunities. According to Abel and Deitz, “The economic benefits of a college …show more content…

Therefore, throughout the film many key points are made about the unemployment rates from 2012 by stating that rates for college students were increasingly lower than high school graduations. Also, another benefit about going to college is that college doubles an individual’s success rate in the future, and could possibly be the only investment that doubles income rates throughout an entire lifetime. Lastly, one of the most important topics that Walsh includes, is that news reports only focus on the total cost of attending a certain college. Abel and Deitz also agree that “[w]hile published tuition and fees represent the “sticker price” for attending college, many students, if not most, do not actually pay this price” (4). Therefore, a college education is beneficial for individuals who want to succeed in life and not have to worry about struggling to survive in a community with a dead-end

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