Real Identity Vs. My Advertising Identity

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Advertisements have gotten better and better through out the years. In the olden days the ads were on posters and newspapers, but today advertisers target online ads more than anything else. One of the biggest internet companies main source of revenue comes from online advertising. Just based on that statistic, it is quit obvious that internet advertisements make up a large portion of the ad business. I totally think that advertisers target certain audiences just to make their companies more appealing to their audience. There are several similarities and differences between my real identity and my advertising identity, Harley Davidson ads are the ads that showcase this paradox of identities. Every motorcycle ad that targets bikers includes booze, women, or tattoos, these companies consider my advertising identity rather than my real identity.
Alcohol is something that everyone thinks is associated with being a biker. These things are stereotypical with biker culture. I consider myself a biker, but i find it hard at times to relate to my advertising identity. All the ads on motorcycles have an old guy holding a beer, sitting right next a Harley. This identity doesn't really work for me, because for one i'm not even old enough to drink. Two it is illegal to even drink ride, so these companies are basically advocating being a criminal to a …show more content…

But the thing is i'm not into hanging out with all these naked chicks all the time. I have girlfriend who i love very much. When advertisements use woman it sure does catch your attention, but it kind of is just a moment of attention that fades away. The ad that has a naked chick is "cool", it just depends on age. I'm only 17 years old and it is quit hard to relate to that kind of social stereotype. Obviously, using ads that have lots of naked woman and provocative clothing don't appeal to me as much as advertisers think it

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