Raymond's Run Argument

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Feminist Criticism Paragraph
The article, "Overview of ‘Raymond's Run’" was a particularly effective feminist literary criticism because the claims that supported its argument were clear, well-supported, and well-connected to its argument while criticizing the short story, “Raymond’s Run” through a feminist lens. Notably, the author included the claim, "Hazel's voice and behavior reflect her strength". The claim was clear and connected to the article's argument which was that Hazel was a self-confident female character who became uncomfortable by meeting "a young, confident African-American girl." The claim described how Hazel was self-confident in the short story, "Raymond's Run" and was supported by evidences such as "she asserts that, though small and thin, she would rather act against taunts from others" which explained her self-confidence in her ability to fight and "she implies that she does it better …show more content…

Since the article was a feminist literary criticism, the claims and evidences had all shown a focus on the female character, Hazel and her self-confidence in her abilities. Similarly, the author used the claim, "Hazel claims space in the traditional male territory of athlete with her dedication to running" which happened because of her self-confidence in her ability to run as well as the male opponents. To support the claim, the author provided evidence such as "she '[high-prance[s] down 34th Street like a rodeo pony to keep my knees strong,' despite her mother's embarrassment" which showed her self-confidence from her lack of care of her image and "She is proud of what she has accomplished and proclaims her skill to herself and to anyone else" which helped her develop her self-confidence. Therefore, the claim was clear, well-supported, and well-connected while analyzing how the character was defying traditional gender roles in sports. Additionally, the author had also explained what the discomfort was for Hazel since it was part

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