Raphael Research Paper

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In this paper, I will write a brief history the Italian painter and architect Raffaello Sanzio, known as Raphael, who was a master from the High Renaissance (1495 – 1520) era. I will also give an account of some of the historical events going on during the period of Raphael. I will evaluate one of his most famous frescoes called “School of Athens” done early sixteenth century using the proper fine arts terms. Brief History
According to the Chambers Biographical Dictionary (CBD), “Raphael was born in Urbino, the son of the poet-painter Giovanni Santi” (2011). From the Encyclopedia Britannica (EB), “Raphael was the son of Giovanni Santi and Magia di Battista Ciarla” his mother died in 1491. His father was, according to the 16th-century artist and biographer Giorgio Vasari, a painter ‘of no great merit.’ He was, however, a man of culture who was in constant contact with the advanced artistic ideas current at the court of Urbino” (2016). Found in Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library (RRRL), “Raphael was born in Urbino, the son of Giovanni Santi, a painter. He was trained by his father, who died in 1494” (p 314).
After the death of his father Raphael as stated by RRRL, “joined the work shop of Perugino (Pietro Vannucci; c. 1450-1523), the most renowned painter in central Italy at the time. …show more content…

This is where he studied painters Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Fra Bartolommeo. “He became attracted by the style of Fra Bartolommeo and, under his influence, he completed the Madonna del Baldacchino in Florence.” (CBD, 2011) It says in the RRRL that Raphael was also enticed to Leonardo’s work and “During the next four years he painted a series of Madonnas (pictures of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ) that incorporated Leonardo’s techniques. One technique was sfumato, which involves defining a form by blending one color into another rather than using distinct outlines” (p

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