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Case study + autistic children
Case study + autistic children
Case study + autistic children
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The movie Rain Man enforces the belief that a majority of individuals that possess exceptional intellectual qualities are often overlooked because of a disability or a mask that hides their abilities. In the movie, Dustin Hofman, the director, introduces the viewers to the character of Raymond Rabbit, who is suffering from the autistic disorder. Raymond also suffers from Savant syndrome, a brain dysfunction that may degenerate to dementia. Rabbit exuded amazing memory in particular elements. However, he experienced communication disorders associated with autism, whereby he was unable of expressing himself in some instances. Thus, Rabbit would demonstrate memory for baseball statistics, ability to count cards, or the phonebook. However, his …show more content…
communication capacity was severely affected because his emotions would sometimes overwhelm him, thereby become incapable of maintaining any sort of communication. Accordingly, parents whose children are autistic must develop ideal ways to ensure that they lead a life of routine.
Any deviation from the norm is likely to upset the children and change their normal life. The same is evident in Rain Man, whereby Raymond reduces to a set of controls that are now regarded as the norms of his life. Parents with children suffering from autism ought to help them develop trust in the people living around them. This task is to ensure that there is no disruption in their normal way of life. Additionally, those around children suffering from the condition have to ensure that they live a strong supportive network that would not disturb them. Ideally, social communication amongst children suffering from Asperger results in a real problem. Therefore, parents have to help develop positive conscience amongst their children to help guarantee safety and abilities to interact with others and maintain cordial …show more content…
relationships. Autism is a developmental disability, whose worse effects are poor communication and interaction. As a spectrum disorder, it affects individuals who have a considerable range of symptoms. For instance, in Rain Man, Raymond exuded good memory in some of his favorite activities. However, he could not understand the body language amongst other non-verbal cues portrayed by people. At some point, Raymond was even incapable of understanding his own emotions, let alone those of other people. The effects of his condition are that he is constantly exposed to several dangers and has to adapt to a variety of rituals as a means to protect himself. Moreover, there is terror any time that Raymond breaks himself from the routine. Similarly, Raymond cannot also understand the concept of money. In this case, despite taking him through education, it would be impossible to help him understand the value of the precious commodity. Children suffering from Asperger’s or autism grow to become successful persons in the society when given a supportive environment.
A typical case of a successful person who suffered from autism is Albert Einstein. Psychologists emphasize that the provision of a supportive environment, whereby the stakeholders understand the needs of the patients, should be understood to help guarantee their growth. For instance, Raymond’s ability to memorize numbers and letters played a key role in enabling Charlie to operate well his pawn business. Charlie also tries to use Raymond’s abilities to help him win in Blackjack in Las Vegas. The extraordinary memory possessed by Raymond is a gift that everyone wants to exploit. The same is also evident in the society whereby some of the best artists, instrument players, and even players are children suffering from Asperger disease or Autism. Therefore, with good nurturing of skills and abilities, the children grow up to become the best in their
fields. Raymond’s relationship with his doctors and the family was impeccable. After the psychological evaluation, he is even able to spell out his brother’s name. However, there was some significant tension because of the inheritance and their coexistence. Psychologists agree that people suffering from Asperger’s disease generally want the same items as their peers. They hope to maintain positive family relations, good friends, have good jobs, and other things of their own. However, a majority find it difficult to maintain good relationships for long, especially if the family members do not nurture it and take the time to understand them. The same is evident with Raymond, who would develop cordial relations even with his doctors, parents, and brother. However, he had challenges within the school and his girlfriend Susana, whom Raymond felt was more interfering in his personal space, rather than comforting him. In summation, from the movie Rain Man and the knowledge that the society possesses regarding people living with Asperger or autism, it is imperative that the society identifies the strengths of those suffering rather than dwell on their weaknesses. Nurturing the unique talents and skills of people suffering from the condition helps them overcome the negative traits and instead focus on their positive traits. Moreover, because a majority of patients are used to routines, those that interact with them should help them learn how to diversify their routines such that any change in their lives does not affect their wellbeing. However, the movie teaches that children suffering from Asperger and autism should be nurtured to help them build better connections with their world.
Those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) see the world in a diverse way; teachers and adults need to recognize this. Robison gives examples of his childhood where he misinterpreted information from others including social cues, as well as instructions. He was in these situations punished either socially or academically.
I was responsible for implementing intervention for one child with autism, while also working with his typically developing sibling and interacting with their parents. Often times, this child had temper tantrums which taught me to quickly and effectively respond to his outbursts. This hands-on experience expanded my understanding as to how people adapt to a lifestyle when they have a family member that is not typically developing. Having the parents’ approval and trust in working with their child showed me the crucial importance of having a strong connection with individual
Giving others who do not suffer from autism or caregivers an insight on how the individual may be feeling and what they are going through. This book can also help numerous medical professionals such as speech-language pathologists and pediatric doctors. As Grandin stated in the book that not all sufferers act, think, and feel the same so this novel may not be beneficial to readers who are looking for information on a wide scale of individuals who suffer from the illness. She also stated that there is no cure for autism, however some medications can help with some symptoms such as depression or anxiety. What intrigued me the most about Grandin was that she never gave up and worked on her social skills. Not only did she became a spokesperson for autism, but also became a professor at Colorado State University in which both require public speaking and being comfortable in front of people.
People have a better understanding of a person with savant syndrome after the movie “Rain Man” in 1988 in which Raymond Babbitt (played by Destin Hoffman). There is a scene in the movie that Raymond tells the waitress her phone number, address, and other related information. Raymond memorized the entire phonebook and immediately recognized her by her name tag. Moreover, savant people beside their mental and physical disabilities have remarkable talent. Savant syndrome is one of the most interesting phenomenons in study of human differences and cognitive psychology. In1887, Dr. J. Langdon Down was first to recognized savant syndrome. He coined the term “Idiot Savant” _ meaning low intelligent and from French, savior, Knowing or Wise
Stephanie Lindsey the author of the article Autism and Education addresses some serious issues in the education system between the special needs students and the highly gifted students. Stephanie writes the article based off her children and how they are treated in school. Her son has autism, which affects his capability to learn, speak, and to train himself when it comes to bathroom use. Also never being alone in school due to him having a personal aid alongside him with special classes he is treaded with a different type of education. Her daughter on the other hand tests in the 95th percentile nationwide on standardized testing. She’s twelve and her capability of progressing information and taking complex ideas apart and putting them back together to form new thoughts is like no normal twelve year old. She reads entire novels, solves Sudoku puzzles, and also participates in her school
For example, our text describes two symptoms of ASD; 1. social communications and interactions 2. and limited patterns of repetitive behavior, interests, and or activities. This was all evident in the “Neurotypical” documentary. For example, Nicholas was unable to interact with girls or form relationships he believes he has nothing in common with them. Wolf suggested that autistic children are good at mimicking others and that nonverbal cues are important to watch out for. Violet, on the other hand, has a habit of repeating behaviors; she will repeat anything her parents say. In the text it also says severity of language problems vary child to child. In Violets case she does not fall under the mute category but instead she is able to speak in a few words, cry, and even laugh. Our text introduces the term for repetitive speech, echolalia. Violet tends to repeat a word or words her parents say either right away when she hears it or later
In the 1940’s two doctors in different countries observed children displaying similar behaviors and deficits. One of the doctors was Viennese pediatrician Dr. Hans Asperger and the other was a child psychiatrist named Leo Kanner. Dr. Kanner was the first of the two doctors to report his observations. What he described were behaviors similar to those seen in children with what we call Autistic disorder. The behaviors affected the children’s communication, social interaction and interests. Dr. Asperger later published an article discussing what he dubbed “Autistische Psychpathen im Kindesalter” which translates to “Autistic Psychopathy”. Although some behaviors overlapped, there were differences leading to the belief that these doctors were documenting two different disorders. The two most prevalent were the differences in motor and language abilities (Miller, Ozonoff). Another was Asperger’s belief that his patients were of normal or above average intelligence. It was not until 1994 that Asperger Syndrome was entered into the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM IV), finally becoming an official diagnosis. At the time, Asperger Syndrome (AS) was labeled as a subcategory of autism along with autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive development disorder. Since then, the community of people with Asperger Syndrome has grown to love and better understand the disorder that they live with every day. Some of them have even affectionately named themselves “Aspies”.
This scene may sound weird to neurologically-typical (NT), or “normal”, people, but it does demonstrate the coping strategies of people with autism, as exhibited through this scene from Rain Man. Charlie Babbitt, a neurologically typical adult, does not understand how his brother, Raymond Babbitt, who is a high-functioning autistic, functions in his little world that he has created. Manifestations of autism such as this indicate to people how an autistic was seen as “like a wolf” (Pollak 258) in older definitions. Recently, though, people are beginning to understand that the problem is organic, or biologically based, as opposed to the psychogenic, or psychologically based, hypothesis of the past. With the release of Rain Man came the increased understanding of autistics and a willingness to find out what autistics are thinking, thus i...
Therefore, there were no causal factors suggested in the film for the character’s disorder but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism compared to in neurotypical children. Researchers do not know the exact cause of autism but are investigating a number of theories, including the links between heredity, genetics, and medical problems (Autism Society)”. The movie was released in 1988 so during this time period there really wasn’t a lot known about this disorder. Towards the end of the movie, Charlie takes Raymond to a doctor in order to learn more about his condition and the doctor simply states that Raymond has autism and that, “there is really not much you can do for him other than to deal with it”. Raymond does not take any medication throughout the movie; so, the only treatment that he received, if any, is staying at the Walbrook mental Institute. If fact, members of the Walbrook Institute wanted to keep Raymond in order to learn more about him. The understanding of autism has come a long way since the release of this movie Rain Man. Some of the treatments today include medication, behavioral training and specialized therapy that includes speech, occupational, and physical therapy. “Early diagnosis and treatment help young children with autism develop to their full
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that effects the brains development. It is characterized by affecting communication, cognition and social interaction. The spectrum of the disorders ranges from a mild condition called Asperger’s syndrome to a more severe form, which severely impairer’s development. The Office of Communications and Public Liaison states that the disorder affects one and eighty-eight children, however ASD effects boys more frequently than girls (Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 2013). ASD emerges in all age, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. The significant varied character and severity of the disorder is why ASD is considered a spectrum that poses a broad range of symptoms.
Autism savant is “individuals with autism who have extraordinary skills not exhibited by most people” In his case a rarity of high functional autism. Let’s analyzed the criteria for someone with autism. I will display the three criteria’s that are listed in the DSM-5 “Autism Spectrum Disorder” the first criteria is deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts. Meaning having the inability to communicate effectively with a variety of different individuals. At the custody scene the doctor asked Raymond a series of questions. The specific questions that the doctor kept asking Raymond was “Do you want to stay with your brother Charles?” Raymond was unable to make the distinction between staying with his brother or staying at the mental facility with Dr. Bruner. Raymond kept repeating the same question and rocking back and forth. Another instance is when Raymond was at the casino talking to a lady, but was unable to answer any of her questions with a direct response. As you can see he was unable to communicate effectively and engaged in a conversation beyond a few words such as “yeah, and I don’t
Barry Levinson’s Rain Man is an uplifting and comical film, based in the 1980s, in America. Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) is a car dealer, who discovers in the shadow of his father’s death that he has an autistic brother called Raymond (Dustin Hoffman). Charlie’s vulgar attempt to seize his late father’s inheritance from his brother, entices the audience into a journey of self-discovery, culture and self-awareness.
Autism spectrum disorder and Asperger’s syndrome, a higher function branch of autism spectrum disorder, affect many adults in the world. These disorders affect the development of thinking and social skills. Many adults have difficulty leading normal lives due to the effects of autism spectrum disorder and Asperger’s syndrome. They have difficulty in school, at work, and even in the social situations of everyday life. The paper examines how autism spectrum disorder affects adults in fields such as: difficulty with higher education, difficulty with finding and keeping jobs in the labor force, and difficulty with social situations. The paper will be concluded with how society views autism spectrum disorder and what it believes should be done.
...l awareness to the ability to process language and sensory experiences and integrate with ones own environment. Until research on autism and other developmental disabilities yields more information about how autism affects neurological function, children and adults who are affected will not be served to the fullest extent of our capabilities as providers of equal education and health care to all. It is only with more information about the neurological differences in the autistic brain that we will fully understand the best way to teach persons with autism so that they might participate to their fullest potential within their community. It is my personal belief that great progress will be made during my own lifetime and that a new level of outcome will be the normal expectation for parents when their child receives this shattering diagnosis during the next generation.
The movie Rain Man enforces the belief that a majority of individuals that possess exceptional intellectual qualities are often overlooked because of a disability or a mask that hides their capabilities. In the movie, director Dustin Hoffman , the director, introduces the viewers to the character of Raymond Rabbit, who is suffering suffers from the autistic disorder. Raymond also suffers fromhas Savant syndrome, a brain dysfunction that may degenerate into dementia. Rabbit exudesd amazing memory in for particular elements. However, he experiencesd communication disorders often associated with autism, whereby he was is unable to of expressing himself. Thus, Rabbit would demonstrate is ability to memorize memory for baseball statistics and , ability to count cards, as well as or memorize the phonebook. However, his communication capacity was is severely affected because his emotions would sometimestend to overwhelm him, rendering him become incapable of maintaining any sort of communication.