Race And Racial Implications In Twilight

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Writer Natalie Wilson approaches the topic of race as what appears to be “unexamined” to many in the movie Twilight. In her article “Civilized Vampires Versus Savage Werewolves: Race and Ethnicity in the Twilight Series”, she points out many interesting details that support her opinion that Twilight depicts some sort of racial differences and biases amongst the characters. The movie is based on the storyline of diverse relationships between Bella Swan and a group of werewolves and vampires, including Jacob Black and Edward Cullen. The difference between the depiction of Edward and Jacob are very contrasting as Jacob is associated with savagery while Edward on the other hand is described as wealthy, talented, and smart. Jacob and his tribe are Native American and those who pertain to the Cullen family are white; some consider this Because I have never been a person with racist views, it is hard for me at times to put myself in the shoes of someone who may view things different and see things from their point of view. With that being said, I find it hard or unreal to believe/understand what may be racial implications in Twilight, mainly because I do not view things the same way others might when comparing and contrasting racial differences. I feel like the information in this article seemed valid, and agree that it may be possible that to some extent there are some racial depictions in the movie and book. I do think that maybe not with negative intentions the author may have included those things. I think she may have included those things to realistically imply society today, and some of the social issues we face as humans. I do not agree with racial discrimination, but sadly, it is an issue that is common in society amongst many. I would not be surprised is Bella’s natural instinct was to choose Edward because of what society has created to be desirable, intriguing, and

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