Question And Answer Questions On Macromolecules

413 Words1 Page

Name: Lulu Al-Thefery
Block: 4 Answer questions on a separate piece of paper, labeling each section and question number, and then attach it to this page to hand-in. Carbohydrates
1. What is the difference between a monosaccharide and a disaccharide? Provide examples of each.
Monosaccharide: has only 1 monomer (simple sugar) ex. glucose
Disaccharide: has only 2 monomers (2 sugars bonded together) ex. table sugar 2. Why is a sugar considered an organic compound? organic compounds (ex. sugar) contain carbon,hydrogen, and oxygen atoms that are linked together to form a chain. Anything that is natural (from nature ie; mentioned elements) are organic. 3. What are the three elements found in all sugars? carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

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