Pythagoras Research Paper

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Many students know of his work, but almost no one knows the name. Pythagoras is known as the father of Geometry. That may seem boring until you hear of the mysterious life of Pythagoras. Pythagoras is known as the first true mathematician, dealing with the application of math instead of theoretical uses. Pythagoras created his school sometime around 530 B.C. in the town of Croton near the southern end of Italy. The school was very private and secretive. Many outside people thought Pythagoras had created a cult, they may have been right. (Mastin) Pythagoras created many rules and guidelines for his students. The students were split into two sections, the “Mathematikoi” and the “Akousmatikoi”. The Mathematikoi, or listeners, were not allowed …show more content…

Pythagoras never wrote down a single word of his findings. The world only knows the genius of Pythagoras from his students writing about him and his work, which was strictly forbidden. (Mastin) Pythagoras’s students revered him so much that they only regarded him as “That Man” or “The Master”. No student would say his name aloud; they believed that Pythagoras’s name was holy. (The Life and Philosophy of Pythagoras) The mathematical world does not really know how many of his discoveries should be credited to Pythagoras. All new discoveries that were found at his school were credited to Pythagoras, even after he died. (Allen) Pythagoras’s most famous discovery is the Pythagorean Theorem. Almost all students going through high school must learn Pythagoras’s greatest mathematical accomplishment (a2+b2=c2). Upon completion of the theorem to celebrate Pythagoras sacrificed 100 oxen. (A Brief History of the Pythagorean Theorem) Pythagoras and his students were crucial to the creation of Geometry, without them the modern Geometry textbook may look a lot different. The death of Pythagoras is shrouded in mystery. Some believe that Pythagoras died in the fire that killed over 50 of his students. Others say that Pythagoras was killed with his followers by the people of Croton. The most interesting account of the death of Pythagoras says that during the fire, Pythagoras’s students threw themselves on the fire to make a bridge for Pythagoras. He then killed himself out of grief. (The Life and Philosophy of

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