Pseudoscience: The Difference Between Science And Science

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Pseudoscience means a belief or practice that is mistakenly seen as based off of science. Due to the increase in media, there are multiple sources, which people who are hearing or watching do not know what is true. As a result, the first source they hear or watch, is the source they will believe. Also, being secluded from the world, can affect someone’s knowledge. Only knowing one-way, can blind someone from the truth. Science, is using proven facts to support their claim, but with media playing a big part in today’s world and being secluded, pseudoscience is taking over science, which does not have proven facts.
Even though, science it all about proven facts, people see past that and all they care about is what has not been proven. All society …show more content…

Someone not expanding their knowledge, will always be bias, and believe what the media says. As it says in the book, The Demon Haunted World, “If you’ve never heard of science you can hardly be aware you’re embracing pseudoscience” (Sagan 15). With a more expanded knowledge, one can know what is true and not true, since they can use their experience as a way to know. An example of this, is if someone is a Christian, and they were only taught the bible then they will not believe how living things were created based off of scientific facts. But, a Christian who was taught the bible and went to a public school, would respect the scientific fact. They may not believe in it, but know there is proven facts on how life was created. Another example is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, from TED TALKS, she explains how not exposed, blinded her. When she lived in Nigeria all she read where stereotypical books on cultures. Later, when she visited Mexico, she believed that the people there hated their country and wanted to flee to America. But, when she entered a restaurant, she saw people talking and she was shocked that her views of the people were wrong. The main point of this example is to show how not being exposed to the world and not having expanded knowledge can affect someone’s life.
The rise in Pseudoscience is due to a result, of the human nature to look at unproven facts and fantasize about it, also not being exposed to the world. In order to help reduce the rise in pseudoscience, it starts with the person knowing what is bias or not, and viewing multiple views on each side. Also, expanding your knowledge, an example is understanding science and knowing why things happen. If everyone does this, then there will be a rise in science and the fall of

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