Media Influence

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We are always subject to change, always. No matter what one does, there will be a change in personality, looks and ideas until the day of death. The concern is if these changes are truly wanted or if they were just implemented into our minds in order to forgo a certain trend or acceptance. Our surroundings and our experiences have and will always shape who we are, through physical means, they are shaping us. Mentally and scientifically, is it possible that we are changing against our own free will, in a sense, “brainwashed” to be, act, and talk a certain way, and if so, how? Simple. Media. Mass media whether it be through social networking sites, press, television, or music, has begun to be regressive rather than progressive due to the lack of self-control and morality of those and what is being displayed to society. To illustrate, we can begin with how media affects our personal perception of self-image i.e self-worth and acceptance. Media enjoys being able to influence what we do in order to benefit those that are trying to advertise a certain idea or object. Many times, the idea that is trying to be demonstrated is the perception of “true beauty.” What many people don't know or tend to forget at a moment of awe, is that these idea's of beauty are conveyed at many times through woman and men with a well amount of make-up and Photoshop done to them. They have been completely transformed from their original natural looks, to match a perfection that is not possible naturally nor realistically. For example, Global Democracy three years ago, presented a time-lapse video that serves to highlight the post-production techniques used in the alteration of an image via use of the software Photoshop. The model was unrecognizable after th... ... middle of paper ... just anyone without a proper registration and/or license check. Indeed, part of the solution would be background checks and making sure that what you can see is suitable for you, almost like cable T.V packages but for certain people. If anyone goes against this they would be fined and arrested as a misdemeanor just like DWI until they do it again and it becomes even more serious. Would this be enough to have control and the return of ethics and morality to the homes of families? The media is an ever changing system of manipulation and pressure. Over the years, despite the rules, it has only worsened. We see and hear more sex and violence as a positive thing in today's media and that isn't right. It is affection the way we think, act and are, as well as our children. Can the extremity of the issue, be controlled with an extremity of control. It just might be so.

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