Pros And Cons Of Mandated Reporters

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Why All Adults Should be Mandated Reporters In 2013 it was estimated that for every case of child abuse reported another eight cases go unreported. Yet, state officials are still wondering if all adults should be mandated reporters of child abuse. A mandated reporter is someone who is required by law of state to report any suspected or observed cases of child abuse. Normally mandated reporters are adults who have regular contact with children; including doctors, day care providers, and educators. In america only eighteen of the fifty states require all adults to report suspicion of child abuse. Not making all adults mandated reporters will only prolong the suffering of abuse victims. All adults should be mandated reporters of child abuse to prevent the growing number of cases, to ensure child abusers are held accountable for their actions, and to decrease the amount of deaths …show more content…

Susan Creighton found that, “ 85% of child abuse and neglect deaths were recorded as due to natural causes because of lack of witnesses and evidence” (Creighton 320). To explain, many abusers go unpunished for killing children by child abuse because with no witnesses there is no evidence. If all adults were mandated reporters it might encourage adult witnesses to come forward. Abusers can be put behind bars and never hurt another child if witnesses come forward and making all adults mandated reporters by law, which can help bring some of these witnesses forward. Some may say that even if all adults are mandated reporters by law some may still choose not to report it. If the information got out that they knew about the abuse and did not say anything then they can be held responsible for their actions by law. In addition, making it a law for adults to report child abuse will encourage others with holding information to come forward in fear of getting in trouble with the

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