Product Placement Essay

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Today’s marketers are looking for other approaches to communicate and connect with their target audience and a technique that is receiving more and more attention over the past decade is product placement.
Product placement is not a new concept, but it has become much more prevalent in recent years. It is not only due to the changes to the way viewers are watching television, but also for the advent of new technologies.
This marketing communications technique is evolving. While before companies tended to sponsor a film, or TV series, now they are buying space within the programme. With this new concept, companies can cut money on very expensive advertisement, and film producers and TV networks can get extra sources of funding for production.
Moreover, advertisers are aware that seeing …show more content…

Marketing Communications

It is difficult to find a universal definition of marketing communications, and there are many different orientations regarding the subject. The table below summarises the main different interpretations through which marketing communications have evolved.
At the beginning, most of the definition were products oriented and they saw communications as the way to influence people to buy a product or a service. Later on, some aspects like awareness, persuasion and customer experience were taken in consideration as important factors of the communications effort.

Most recent theories are using an integrated interpretation in which the focus is both in the promotion of the organisation and the products. The communication with a target audience can be made with the marketing communications mix that consist in various tools combined and used with different degrees of

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